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  1. canadianpothead

    starting from a clone

    hello i am going to take a clone i have from my friends plant and put it in some soil in my room till it has roots then take it outside when will i now it is good to take outside
  2. canadianpothead

    canadian head shops?

    srry i was baked i ment in orleans ottawa:joint: :hump:
  3. canadianpothead

    canadian head shops?

    does anyone know of any heaedshops in orleans
  4. canadianpothead

    Fire Crackers???

    hello i was wonderng do i havbe to have all natuirall penut butter to do a firecracker and does it have to be hot when i eat it
  5. canadianpothead

    uh oh BUSTED

    it was the second time i had smoked and me and my friends were behind this portable and everything was going good and we smoke half the joint and kept so we were just chilling and then about an hour later we decided dto go to my friends house and finish the joint but one of my other friends...
  6. canadianpothead


    does anyone now of a site that will send seeds to canada and have them sent in secret letters like thru mail in mail boxes
  7. canadianpothead

    i am a newbie at growing

    no im growing out side so i need like to know when to pick my plants and i live in canda ottawa so just keep that in mind if ure going to help me?
  8. canadianpothead

    i am a newbie at growing

    hey can someone tell me like what are the times for growing. like how many weeks for for the plant to grow it will take for it to grow into a smokeable plant. and is there a way for me to dry it outside somehow?????