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  1. Soliyah

    How is everything looking?

    ok everybody this is my first grow Its a bagseed and has been outdoors its whole life Thanks to the help of everyone on this site and lots of research. I've learned alot had had some very good advice along the way to help this girl grow to where she is today. She is 8 weeks old How does...
  2. Soliyah

    Too early to trim?

    Ok thanks, but, what am I watching for in the growth of the lower branches?
  3. Soliyah

    Too early to trim?

    my plant is 7 weeks old I just topped it 3 or 4 days ago Is it too young to trim? Does it need to be trimmed? I'm worried about all the little leaves and stems towards the inside blocking sunlight, am I wrong? What needs to be done?
  4. Soliyah

    Fertilizer question

    I have a fertilizer 4-8-8 to use for my plant. Is this a good ratio for the early veg stage? Also I put some in my water and it's not completely soluble, some dissolved and turned the water a pinkish color and left hard pieces in the bottom. Is it ok to use? I know its reccomend to use a...
  5. Soliyah

    Ammonium Sulfate question

    Thanks friend! I really appreciate the advice.
  6. Soliyah

    Ammonium Sulfate question

    Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it, I didnt know that. Are there any nutrients specifically that you would recommend? This is my first grow and I'm completely new to all of this besides my own research.
  7. Soliyah

    Ammonium Sulfate question

    I cant find much Info anywhere else online about ammonium sulfate and cannabis plants. What I have is 21% nitrogen and 22% sulfur Is it a good source or Nitrogen? Will it lower my ph to much? How much should I use? Should I mix it in the soil or water? Also I'm still confused as if I have a...
  8. Soliyah

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    Here is a picture of the top And we've been having really high 60's to low 80's as far as temperature here, and I give them water when they begin to show that they need it, and the soil is dry, maybe once every 3 or 4 days, I'll give it 16 oz or so
  9. Soliyah

    Nitrogen Deficiency and trying to fix it

    So I just noticed about 3 days ago my bottom leaves are beginning to yellow. Is this a true Nitrogen deficiency? And what is the best option if curing it if so? Yesterday I mixed some used coffee grounds in the soil and gave it some water. The ph of my soil is around 6.0 Was this a bad idea?
  10. Soliyah

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    So I just noticed about 3 days ago my bottom leaves are beginning to yellow. Is this a true Nitrogen deficiency? And what is the best option if curing it if so? Earlier I mixed some used coffee grounds in the soil and gave it some water. The ph of my soil is arou d 6.0 Was this a bad idea?
  11. Soliyah

    Stunted growth?

    Thank you so much for your help. I have been worrying myself crazy over it lately
  12. Soliyah

    Stunted growth?

    My plant is a few weeks old and it's been grown outdoors its entire life. And it was showing lots of rapid growth until about a week ago and it's been this same size since, I've been careful not to over water it and I've only given it nutes twice, its had plenty of sunlight and fresh air with no...
  13. Soliyah

    Questions about growth and color

    Thanks alot, very informative, I am growing outdoor and have been watering every few days careful not to over water and have not given it any nutrients yet. Though I have advanced nutrients piranha, bud candy, and flawless finish to use when it gets older I appreciate the help friend
  14. Soliyah

    Questions about growth and color

    I am new to this but have been doing tons and tons of research, but still need a little advice and guidance, it will be greatly appreciated. My questions are, is the color ok? should it be bigger? And is the pot to big? It is almost a month old