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  1. Cornishi

    1 plant dwc scrog

    I've read through this ages ago, but can't remember how long have you vegged the LSD for to get that bushy? My bush is on par with her and she was vegged for near 3 months. She's looking prime though! I just think of DWC as a more effort than soil. Am a lazy grower :D
  2. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    I followed your advice and tucked everything last night. As shown in my sig pic. Canopy is really filled in now, so hopefully it's the right call to make. Hoping 1 - 2 weeks of stretch will balance things up.
  3. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Signature is fixed now too. I'm pushing for 1gram per watt on this scrog. Be interesting to see how close I get.
  4. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Ended up with 283 grams dry weight from them. Not too shabby. Expected more, but I need to do more work with them if I want heigher yields. Ended up with 300 grams of trim and micro bud that I'll buble hash when I have a few more runs of trim to use. Mutant clone is looking beautiful now. From...
  5. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    First grow with no auto. Shes been vegging for 83 days. So I expected her to get big. I'd say I have a good 5 inches of growth through the screen currently. You'd tuck that down?
  6. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    She was a bit of an experiement from day one. I took a cutting of the mother and just stuck it straight into dirt and domed her. Amazing how she's tranaformed. Appreciate your feedback though, when you say keep tucking. Do you mean pushing the upwards branches down still? Worried about damaging...
  7. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    So nearly a month has gone by. Lets show some transformation pics! April 24th 2016 - Day 83. Flipped to flower today! Removed a lot of under carriage leaves days earlier hence the crap on the floor. Needs cleaning up tbh. Added a home made drip feeder hooked up to a small submersible pump in...
  8. Cornishi

    Window AC kit for ducting - help! UK

    Link? The only ones on ebay are shitty fabric ones. I want a proper sturdy plastic one. Checked loads od websites and ebay and AC companies in uk. Nothing short of having one bespokely made is gonna work.
  9. Cornishi

    Window AC kit for ducting - help! UK

    40 views and crickets! Starting to think these forums don't like me!
  10. Cornishi

    Window AC kit for ducting - help! UK

    So I'm having a mare trying to find a portable AC kit for ducting air out of a window. I want it to look tidy n not let the wild life in. Do these not exist in the uk? America seems to have them, but I can't find a single kit in the uk. Wierd. Any help you guys can offer would be grand. This...
  11. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    I have undone original ties and repositioned new ones. Going to release all the ties in a week or so once I'm satisfied she won't bunch up (she started to over night when I released the ties before). I'm fairly confident she's a she as it was a cutting from a feminised seed, mother. Could all go...
  12. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    2nd April 2016 - 61 days on. Scrog net in place ... letting the canopy fill out now and see where we go. Set the scrog 14inches above soil level. Should give enough room to lollipop the underneath and defolilate anything blocking potential bud sites. Shes around 4inches away from the net now...
  13. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    No one has any words of wisdom? **sadface**
  14. Cornishi

    Veg till she can't veg no more!!

    So yeah... I had been toying with this plant for some time in my other journal. She's got to the time where she needs her own column! So she's a complete unknown, I guessed she might be some form of sour bomb (tis what the person that gave me the clone eluded to) as I got her as a little runty...
  15. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    So yeah... got the plants hangin n drying. Buds are a lot more sativa than indica from what I'm used to. Did a quick dry on a small tip of a bud. This stuff is killer. Really strong head buzz which fades to a nice relaxing stone. Will get weights up when they are jarred. On other news my...
  16. Cornishi

    Using Boveda on Overdried Bud

    Or insulate your loft to ensure the humidity and temp is more stable.
  17. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Pretty sure the T5 in there is 6500 kelvin. Just feels weak as piss compared to HPS :P
  18. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    All blue? Whatcha mean? I'll cut em this weekend. Not got room setup for drying yet :S
  19. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Argh... my bloody HPS blew up!! Ordered 2 new ones. LUMii ones instead of sunblasters. Only been using it for maybe 2500 hours. Unimpressed!! Got my T5 hooked up as a backup, Annoying since I planned to chop this weekend. Why couldn't it have waited!!
  20. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    101 days from seed. Looking through my loupe am seeing mostly cloudy trics. Ambers are forming on the sugar leaves. Am going to take a more intense look at the weekend and all being well will chop em down. Will take pics closer to the weekend. Feel wise for the buds - 2 plants are rock hard...