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    Calcium def?

    Ah more money than brains syndrome... how the smart guy makes easy money and the money guy feels he got value and is happy.... everyone wins. lol
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    Calcium def?

    If ya want it done right do it yourself.... hahaha. I would be losing my shit if all that happened to me
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    I'm with @rkymtnman on this subject bloom nutes are for fools. Its old bro science BS. Cannabis needs minimal P and very often P tox can been seen with all the use of PK boosts and heavy P bloom nutes. you want a ratio of about 1-2 N/K and lower P, P also makes shitty tasting and burning weed...
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    Need a feeding schedule for DWC

    It can... if your talking about a sealed container generally it will remain stable
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    Calcium def?

    Humidity or dense foliage issue? find the cause?
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    Calcium def?

    Yeah in the 3rd pic it looked raised... Might just be my eyes... If its not its likely just calcium
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    Calcium def?

    100% on the calmag with RO. Take RO and add 1-2 ml. Preferably 100-150ppm Kinda looking like the start of rust fungus no?
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    Droopy leaves after first feeding

    Its normal to have some droop after watering. They will perk up later in the day or the next day. That plant is getting to much nutrients. a saline root environment will not suck water out of the plants but will create osmotic shock and you will see extreme drooping not like this and nutrient...
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    Clone problem

    Yeah i agree nute buun. That ppm in the source water is going to be an issue while a lot of it is likely calcium carbonate i'm sure a good chunk will be sodium also.
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    Why is RDWC containers slimy

    Haha yeah it's unsightly but harmless. The reason your teas works is because the bacteria in the teas outcompete the other and therefore they have no food source. That pink growth is also bacteria and it quite nasty shit.
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    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    Plants to big for the system maybe? Just saying... it makes no sense to build a system around incompetence
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    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    If that happens you are doing it wrong, there are also strainers that you can put in each bucket. Should be keeping an eye on your roots and trim if needed also your in the wrong size buckets if that's happening and should either veg shorter or upsize. I mean if your roots plug your system...
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    Rising pH in res used for handwatering?

    Looks like very low humidity and heat stress while being closer to the light?
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    Chemists Help - Trouble Making 3M KCL Solution

    Yeah i did the exact same shit... Im not getting complete dissolution. It below the saturation point so I think as you say Mr.Who is probably right... Let me know how it works out for ya... I'm going to see what i can get for max dissolution on this and probably just use that. It better than...
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    Chemists Help - Trouble Making 3M KCL Solution

    I have distilled I will try it out now. It will probably benefit you to use warmer water to originally dilute it.
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    Chemists Help - Trouble Making 3M KCL Solution

    This a video I found saying the same thing. Hope this helps
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    Chemists Help - Trouble Making 3M KCL Solution

    I removed and reposted. not done it yet but I have the stuff here now
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    Chemists Help - Trouble Making 3M KCL Solution

    @Renfro I was looking all this up a week or 2 ago. Here is something I found. If you wish to prepare your own storage solution, you can do so by adding 10g of solid potassium chloride (KCl) to 100 mL of a buffer pH 4 solution. It is also a good idea to add some buffer preservative (add 3 drops...
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    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    Yep I'm outa here. Easy to see your not here to help people but rather just to further your own agenda. Not interested in facts only BS bro science and try to make a name off it. Go ahead and... And I will go away with my inconvenient facts.
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    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    Kind words man. I agree the best practices and I feel info come from general gardening practices and scientific studies. The best thing a person can do is educate themselves on general gardening in the media they use, plant process and the microbiology of different media. That's enough to be...