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  1. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Yep. And yeah ive read.good things also. That was my first assumption is to go with those just checkin to see if u guys knew anything better
  2. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Just realized i have to start looking into some kind of auto mated watering system that will get me through the week and half in on vacation this summer. Any sugestions from you guys?
  3. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Ill show that answer to my wife maybe shell be cool about it now lol
  4. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Thts the kinda shit that scares the hell out of me when it comes to diy cobs and shit. My house going up in smoke instead of just my product lol
  5. Mztoker

    O-high-O growers sound off

    Ty. Ill look into both
  6. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    Also no shortage of people who go this route over making hash. Im not any expert here at all. But theres plenty of people doing it this way with great results. Myself i would like to get a system where i could blast with co2. And the alcohol evaps off if u do it right so thats not really a worry...
  7. Mztoker

    Should I top now or later??

    I like toping earlier then most id say. I dont really count nodes just do it when i feel the plant has established itself and its root system. And i like to top early because the faster i get the shape i want and size the faster i can get it into flowering
  8. Mztoker

    Growing Medium for a Newbie

    Soiless mix is what i started with and still use. I love it. Had ph blancing shit in it. I use ohio better gro. But im sure thats just a brand in ohio. There are plenty of soiless potting mixes.
  9. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    And yep coffee filters for both the blasting and the straining after winterization
  10. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    I do use very high quality butane. Vector is real good and i recently tried some n-butane. I do it in a very well ventilated garage. Door halfway opened while doing it. I then do a process called winterizing witch pulls out a lot of the shit that we just dont wanna be smoking. Its safe as long...
  11. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    Plus depeneding on if ur making hash for sale or for consumption im willing to bet the market for dabs is bigger
  12. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    If you do things right and winterize after you blast you aint smoking butane. You could even vaccume purge to get any extra gases out. In my opinion its easier and much better smoke. But to each there own.
  13. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    I learned from a buddy not a link. I also winterize my dabs
  14. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    Get vector or n-butane. Get glass.tubes with right fittings and then blast trim with butane.
  15. Mztoker

    They don't call me Hashman for nothing

    Fuck making hash blast that shit into some dabs. Super easy to do
  16. Mztoker

    Seedlings keep dying after transplant from rockwool

    Long story short if those cubes get smashed up at all i think they sorta like trap the roots and shit
  17. Mztoker

    Seedlings keep dying after transplant from rockwool

    I bet u got or you damaged the cubes. This same thing sorta happened to me. But i saved the 2 sprouts but pulling them up and doing some surgery to the cubes. When i transplanted after they sprouted i didnt wait till roots came out of bottom like i should have because of moister issues. Then i...
  18. Mztoker

    O-high-O growers sound off

    Nice. I been reading on and off about it for past year. I have a few polybreds coming from a awesome guy on here plus the purple limerita strain. Im thinking if i see some things i like i will expierment myself and see what i can come up with. Any real good reads you can direct me too? Its time...
  19. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    These are the two bushes taking up half my 8x4. Some nirvana rasberry cough. Last two clones i took from my favorite pheno
  20. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Just checked up on progress and im glad to say that i now am 5 for 5 with the beans. Last one popped and is coming along.