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  1. StoneyMcphatter

    Smell Control

    Any plant that's just about a foot tall will stink up your whole room late in flower.
  2. StoneyMcphatter

    Probably nute burn

    The only thing that I know for sure is that multiple lockout were happening. Why? No one could give me a straight answer and honestly I had 3 other bigger plants so I never got to find out.
  3. StoneyMcphatter

    first grow day 45 flower

    I know that there is a whole new renaissance period going on where every one is doubting flushing and thats ok. And I know that most people don't care whats in their food,herb or drink But I just want to make sure that myself and everyone around me is consuming cannabis in the safest and...
  4. StoneyMcphatter

    first grow day 45 flower

    If all the big dispensaries flush then I'll keep flushing. Worst case scenario I don't have to smoke ammoniacal nitrogen found in your favorite fertilizers. Best case scenario I don't get a disease that could have been prevented. On most of those fertilizers it says it has substances known to...
  5. StoneyMcphatter

    Has my plant turned Hermie

    I will say that plant is frosty as fuck mate
  6. StoneyMcphatter

    first grow day 45 flower

    You're just making everything up. Flushing is the standard like it or not.
  7. StoneyMcphatter

    best way to germinate.

    What I do is I put the seeds in a wet paper towel, then put it in a plastic baggie in a warm dark place for 24 hours. I then take the seeds out and put them in a cup of water. They will sink and in about 6 hours have their tap root showing. 100% success rate with my method.
  8. StoneyMcphatter

    need advice

    Sack the plant and smoke it if it's not going to finish out well mate. It's hard to do but worse thing that happens is you have some bud to smoke while waiting for your other plants to finish. Wasting time and nutes on a plant that has problems late in flower doesn't make sense to me.
  9. StoneyMcphatter

    Has my plant turned Hermie

    I would start over mate. You could give it a couple of weeks but that won't do you any good. Get some good quality seeds and do a lot more research this time around. Best of luck to you.
  10. StoneyMcphatter

    Probably nute burn

    I had a plant this grow that looked like that in flower just like yours. Lime green leaves everywhere. Eventually it will eat its lower leaves. I had to cut it down early because it looked worse as the weeks went on mate. Was still some killer smoke.
  11. StoneyMcphatter

    first grow day 45 flower

    So when someone asks when they should flush tell them to not flush and destroy the taste of their crop? Yeah not gonna happen mate. I'll always help people out and if you don't like it you can kick rocks.
  12. StoneyMcphatter

    first grow day 45 flower

    I would start to flush at day 60 for a 8-9 week strain (the plants almost never finish at week 8).Your thc levels will drop if you wait to long and will turn into sleepy bud mate. I actually like sleepy bud.
  13. StoneyMcphatter

    Fan and carbon filter question

    It needs to be on all day mate.
  14. StoneyMcphatter

    Any Idea how much she'll bud?

    People need to stop trimming big fan leaves. I have 3 plants in my garden. The one that I tripped the most to "get more lights to the buds" is my smallest plant. Her buds are very frost but overall smaller. My 2 other plants weren't trimmed at all. The buds are way bigger just not as frosty...
  15. StoneyMcphatter

    this methode vs. super crop

    To be honest mate that plant WILL outgrow that cabinet if you let her veg longer no matter what. Hopefully you have something bigger to flower her out.
  16. StoneyMcphatter

    Spider Mites at Harvest......

    Thats The type of thank you I get for telling you to throw away your insect ridden, sticky with insect poop bud? When the other guys told you to go ahead and smoke it? I'm sure a lot of people won't help you again if thats how you're going to thank them. Whatever go ahead and smoke it mate.
  17. StoneyMcphatter

    Spider Mites at Harvest......

    Why do you want my smoking history so badly? Like I'm going to tell some random person over the internet my smoking history so they can pick it apart and ridicule me lol. I've only smoked my own homegrown because of different circumstances that happened in my life which is none of your business...
  18. StoneyMcphatter

    Spider Mites at Harvest......

    You could have posted in the identical thread that has 73 vies and 11 replies mate.
  19. StoneyMcphatter

    Spider Mites at Harvest......

    Considering I only smoke my own bud and I've never had spider mites, I've never smoked them. I smoke buds mate not insects.
  20. StoneyMcphatter

    Spider Mites at Harvest......

    I don't know about you guys but I'm not about to smoke spider mites. I'd throw them away and start over. The answer you don't want to hear is usually the right answer mate. Don't want that smoke to bite you in the arse later on.