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  1. StoneyMcphatter

    Cannabis increases life expectancy by 2.5 years according to research

    Didn't help me with my woman mate. She broke it off cause of my cannabis smokin. Told her it helps me deal with the dark side of the force, she said bullocks im leavin ya stoney (not my real name of course). I says fine go ill keep the dank bud to meself haha. But make ya live longer? I dunno...
  2. StoneyMcphatter

    The last 2 weeks.....

    Long story short flushing is a myth. Thats all you need to know but ya can do some research. Tons of info on this website mate. It will enlighten you.
  3. StoneyMcphatter

    Bugs, disease, mold or fungus?

    The webbing actually comes when the infestation is really bad. That's usually the point of no return and at that point many growers will just scrap the grow and start anew. But you do have a fight on your hands since yer in flower if its confirmed that its spider mites.
  4. StoneyMcphatter

    The last 2 weeks.....

    Oh they will still swell. A good amount of people don't flush though.
  5. StoneyMcphatter

    Almost harvest buds are too small

    It could be the genetics. They might fatten up some more over the next couple of weeks though.
  6. StoneyMcphatter

    Bugs, disease, mold or fungus?

    Not gonna lie mate but spider mites do that type of damage. Hard to miss them though but it's possible.
  7. StoneyMcphatter

    Almost harvest buds are too small

    How long did you veg for? Also that grow bag looks small. These things play a part in how big your buds will be.
  8. StoneyMcphatter

    are they ready to be harvested? thank you

    No you didn't just hi jack it mate you committed a 1st degree robbery.
  9. StoneyMcphatter

    are they ready to be harvested? thank you

    Mostly cloudy mate. Now if ya want to some cartwheels in the driveway harvest soon.
  10. StoneyMcphatter

    Hermie...what to do?

    Yea I would have chopped that plant mate. I'll have you know that I have been attacked for saying this in the past. So let me say it clearly, this is what I WOULD DO, I AM NOT TELLING HIM TO DO THIS. You have to be so precise on the internet with wording or the freaks will come out at night to...
  11. StoneyMcphatter

    Are these ready?

    75 or even 80 will be more potent if you want the stoned effect that I treasure so much mate. But if you want to do cartwheels in your driveway then 70 would be good. On a side note everyone says barneys seeds sucks but that plant looks juicy. Guess to each his own eh?
  12. StoneyMcphatter

    are they ready to be harvested? thank you

    No. 1 or 2 more weeks for the first girl. The others need 3 weeks.
  13. StoneyMcphatter

    Are these seeds in my buds ?

    I don't see any strange looking buds but I do know that plant isn't ready to be harvested mate.
  14. StoneyMcphatter

    Is my plant ready?

    Nowhere close to ready. How long has it been flowering for? Also bring try to bring the heat down your plants look stressed. Should be done in 3 weeks.
  15. StoneyMcphatter

    Stretched out seedlings

    You don't need to bury that seedling. Move the light closer and just prop it up with something. The stem will eventually strengthen.
  16. StoneyMcphatter

    Looking for opinions on my first grow

    Not ready yet. could harvest next week or wait 2 more weeks. Just depends on the high you want.
  17. StoneyMcphatter

    Growing in clear see through pots.

    Clear pots works for me mate. Doing a grow right now, half with dark colored pots, half with clear pots and they both look good.
  18. StoneyMcphatter

    Too hot

    You have to do something quick mate. By the looks of those leaves the plant is very stressed. Some strains take high temps in stride like the indica dominant plant posted above but yours isn't doing well at all.
  19. StoneyMcphatter

    Is nirvana seeds legit?

    Well you're lying mate because I'm growing 4 aurora indica and they all look alike. Same height, same bud structure, same everything.
  20. StoneyMcphatter

    Seed starting question.

    Get yerself some fox farms ocean forest mate. Its idiot proof, anyone can grow in it and ya dont even need nutes for months.