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  1. brettsog

    CFL PC Case Micro Grow

    ok guys, let me say first of all its nice to be posting here again. been lurking again for a week or so. checking out similar grows and all that nice stuff. im gonna be doing a small indoor grow to accompany the outdoor i have going at the minute that if im completely honest hasnt gone well at...
  2. brettsog

    I'm in Hermi Denial Right Now...Need 2nd Opinion Before I Chuck.

    That doesnt look like male flowers guys. stop scaring the OP. sometimes you get preflowers without pistils. ive seen it myself. if you handle the plants a lot then you may have knocked the pistils out. if they arent in clusters then i wouldnt worry too much. if you are that worried then pinch...
  3. brettsog

    White Widow Yeild

    I have grown white widow. Did one plant in dwc under a 250w hps. I vegged for 4 weeks. She was 13" when i flipped and finished 36" tall and bushy as hell. Got 70.9g dry. Im growing out a left over clone this time around and she looks to be yeilding about an oz give or take.
  4. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey guys. plants are looking good. sorry i aint been on. aint had internet for a while. being put on friday. will upload a few pics then. im gonna be chopping my first plant around the 20th so looking good
  5. brettsog

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    cheers man
  6. brettsog

    150w hps S.O.G.

    i would like to state again that im not trying to fool anyone, i would gain nothing from lying about it. im seeing the guy tonight, ill nab a couple pics from his phone and post em here
  7. brettsog

    150w hps S.O.G.

    there really is a bigger and better world out there, i have no urge to report you for anything as i dont feel like anything was said out of turn. its not bs, im not asking you to believe me i was merely sharing an experience. and it can be done. a while back i posted a pic i found of a plant...
  8. brettsog

    400W CFL Home Made Twin Reflector Grow !!!

    but they can become a cannabis user on that amount of money, its a lot cheaper to grow then it is buy
  9. brettsog

    400W CFL Home Made Twin Reflector Grow !!!

    yeah but that was just one link, there are more that dont include the bulbs which are about £60-70. trust me i tried on a budget and learned the hard way, i made reflectors bought near on 400w of cfls and got 44g from 4 plants on my first try. then i thought fuck it, bought a 250w hps and got...
  10. brettsog

    150w hps S.O.G.

    i dont think anyone is stupid and i dont like the insinuation that im a liar. what do i gain from it? i havent said i have done it. i will get some pics off of him later.
  11. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    that is a nice looking cola man. buds look like they are filling up already.
  12. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    cheers guys. its a shame the missus has got fed up with it being indoors, i think ive got the environment dialled in finally, it would have just been a case of finding a nice 8 week flower heavy yeilding/hitting strain and id have been set, now i need to find a decent outdoor strain that wont...
  13. brettsog

    150w hps S.O.G.

    100% he has some pics ill see if he will chuck me a couple to show, the colas were as thick as my calf (im 18st and 6'2" use your imagination) the smell in the room was unbelievable. his tent is like an entire room, when he said he was gonna start growing i thought he meant on a small scale like...
  14. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    the luton cheese i bought was still wet to the point where my fingers stuck together when stripping the bud down to make a joint, left it in my little wooden rolling box over night and voila, bone dry and stinky
  15. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    pics as promised in order, amnesia, ak48 & clone of ak48, white widow and a frosty budshot and last is ak47 auto accidentally topped
  16. brettsog

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    ok well as promised i have some pics to share. This is amnesia haze. doing well at about 2 weeks in full flower (i count from first budsite and not flip) this is my ak48 that i semi mainlined and the clone i made from the first top i took off this is my white widow clone left over...
  17. brettsog

    400W CFL Home Made Twin Reflector Grow !!!

    you can use foil with cfls as they dont generate enough heat to create hotspots, the guys are right though flat white or an emergency blanket from wilkos or discount uk for £1 will offer better reflection than foil. a lot of foil is transparent and lets light leak through it rather than reflect...
  18. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    the clone i took off of that particular plant is doing really well. i flowered at about 3" and she took a bit longer to start flower compared to her mother but she is 1' tall now and looking to be one main cola :) ill chuck a few pics up later once the kids have gone home. ive been smoking a...
  19. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    thanks man, she is ak so should be finished in 48 days :) 14 down about 34 to go :) there is a mainlining thread. but this requires topping back to the very bottom node and letting it grow out a bit the topping each of those tops and letting em grow and so on and so forth. on the thread there...
  20. brettsog

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    lol well there arent many decent cfl suppliers in the uk. and gotta love a coke bottle yeast machine. and yeah ill defo be keeping a journal for my outdoor grow. got my spots sorted (3 in total) gonna do 5 in each. ill stick a few pics of these ones progress up later, been so busy with xmas...