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  1. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I have the same . I tried but the pipe was to thick so I have to wait for my next bunnings visit. And I have a lil waterfall type I'm gonna hit one bucket , see the change and wot not
  2. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    as I said they would be...... "Underwhelming" new growth is really hitting strong though now I've sorted the mites problem..
  3. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I can grow mushy's better than mull .ha. Anybody got any magic ones
  4. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Or... The dog is a drug mule and just farted..
  5. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Wtf. is that a mushroom or is it an alien cannabis strain.. In rockwool an clay balls only.
  6. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Question to anybody that has tried,, will this from a digi hygrometer be OK to put in the water to check Temps of res or will the metal be no good for the alkalinity of the water.. Ec 's or wot have u
  7. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ah I forgot to take a few pics last night, I'm getting dementia at 36, its shit, thank shit for ganja huh. I'd be worse,, underwhelming pics today , I have a few bag seeds to go in soil/megacrop/ vermiculite mix with root stimulant , ranout of room.. I need growers anonymous ATM, I get a seed I...
  8. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    The glass box I'm gonna put him in is twice the size of the one he is in at the pet shops .. He will be a mate not show piece.. But I c ur point.. How r ya anyway chick, been awhile..
  9. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So I've got a mate told me his brother isnt far off with his new strain... Devils poison ... Red devil x Durban poison .. 2 of my old favs joined forces.. Can't wait for a few clones
  10. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Looks like a miniature torture chair.. Haha nice.. They hold the UV lamps for reptiles 'n' shit aye.. Uvb or whatever, I'm getting a bearded dragon and have to get that shit sorted soon
  11. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just done a check and I have 6 dsk x A11 and 6 dsk x dream beaver , looking good for outdoor late next month.
  12. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Its 4:20 over in Wa so it session time .. Again....
  13. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Wot a kawinky dink.. Me tooo
  14. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    A bit of a disagreement on something I said about a book from the 80s a mate gave me .. I did push the matter a bit and I apologize again coco.. I never doubted u mate , I just turned it into an interrogation , my bad
  15. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Awww... No hard feelings DICKapedia hah. I still have some seeds of all the strains he gave me. Tucked away . kisses to him too
  16. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I should mention I had spider mites cause the fan unplugged itself and was hitting nearly 30° and I had a duct running to the open window .. Fuck they r destructive lil bastards, bleach the life and colour right out of ya plant aye.. Gone now fingers crossed
  17. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I was thinking the same,, I just thought it was a cop-out on my behalf. ha. saying that I'll have to check at about 3am its the hlg 3500k and temps in tent are 19-25° at worst . so yeah i decided to try soil again.. A mth an should be starting an outdoor.. Fuck the police .... Its medical haha
  18. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I got a free pineapple chunck from Barney's farm and it went to shit straight away just getting the pH right. Minimal nutes just had pH down and wouldn't crack the rockwool
  19. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    The strawberry diesel gives it a nice ring too.. I also had a sky lotus x dream lotus that fell and got squashed so I put it outside ,, months later its grown, nothing special but the smell makes ur nose twitch .. Stressed to shit with the cold but smokeable
  20. Mofo83

    Aussie Growers Thread

    If anyone still talks to coco tell him I said thanks again for those deputy seeds.. The smell is amazing