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  1. tightpockt

    cxb3070 3000k AD 800w draw 4x4 tent

    i think he's saying he already answered in post #42
  2. tightpockt

    the murder of sandra bland

  3. tightpockt

    What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

    A better question is who is it up to to make that decision? You, your employer or the federal government?
  4. tightpockt

    Help with IBS

    Probiotics and proper nutrition negated %90 of my ibs symptoms
  5. tightpockt

    if someone says a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult

    There's a break in logic here. A 13 year old can't consent to sex just like a retard or a 95 year old dementia patient can't consent because they don't have that decision making capacity. It's why we don't let them drive cars, own guns, vote, etc..
  6. tightpockt

    led or hps

    I switched from a 400w hps to 200w worth of cree cobs and I'm pulling the same weight with less heat.
  7. tightpockt

    Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

    you don't know that you're watching a 24 hour propaganda network? Granted, other networks aren't so far off from that designation either but none are so obvious about it. "fair and balanced" is laughable and makes you sound dumb as shit when you say it...just letting you know, you might not be...
  8. tightpockt

    drug testing welfare recipients

    If money from the government comes with strings attached then everyone who receives money from the state should be subjected to the same strings...politicians, police, etc..drug test them all if that's your weird arbitrary policy.
  9. tightpockt

    drug testing welfare recipients

    So we have to feed you because you decided to go to school instead of work?
  10. tightpockt

    Everything MMA Thread

    Is a titty twister legal in the UFC?
  11. tightpockt

    Everything MMA Thread

    I don't know why they just dont postpone the fight. It'd be a better move than having to wait another 6 months to put everything together and who knows what happens in that time period. Meanwhile, they could just let Aldo heal up and fight next month
  12. tightpockt

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Here's what you want for the Vero 10's
  13. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    They already can afford food and shelter. They can't afford cable and 4 kids. Boo Hoo. And god forbid if you need to take on a roommate and live an austere lifestyle, everybody "deserves" a flatscreen don't cha' know.
  14. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    Looks like they have a few luxuries they could cut out
  15. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    That's my point. We have to address why that's their only option. Not settle and say oh well fuck trying hard, i'll just work at Micky D's, they pay 15 an hour.
  16. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    One last thing...My point is that there are people born in this country that can barely speak, read or write and who don't know basic arithmetic and you've decided that they "deserve" $15 an hour so they can maintain a certain standard of living without even having to learn the most basic shit...
  17. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    I don't have too much empathy for people who chose mcdonalds as their career choice. You think it's unfair that someone who works at mcdonalds 40 hours a week has to struggle to pay bills when someone else works 40 hours a week somewhere else and has excess. I think it's the complete opposite...
  18. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    They're already working 40 hours, what they want is DOUBLE and offering no extra skills or service. If i asked to have my pay doubled I'd would need to make a REALLY good argument to my boss as to why. Let's not pretend it's just to 'keep up with inflation' You want to, in effect, turn minimum...
  19. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    1. they're not taking responsibility by demanding more and offering nothing in return. By saying "i'm poor and it's my boss's fault" isn't taking responsibility. 2. I agree somewhat, only that nobody "should" live in poverty but these words "should" and "shouldn't" are totally subjective...
  20. tightpockt

    What comes first, ethics or profit?

    So that's where the bar is now? You just have to show up? I say your ideology is extreme because it's set and locked away in your little ideology box, labeled "this is what I stand for" and isn't malleable and doesn't allow for any complexity whatsoever. Take a 30 year old dummy who can barely...