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  1. Dan can grow

    Yields and cabinets

    One thing I've come to notice with the new cree cobs I've been running is that I can't turn the dimmer to full power without causing sever mag issues. When I reveg I always take a larfy lower cutting and root and reveg. That allows me to harvest that whole plant.
  2. Dan can grow

    I feel like I'm killing her...

    I would verify the ph of th soil by flushing, testing the runoff, then re feed . My plants wrre doing this as well. I did as i described and all healthy again. Also what kind if light are you using? I doumd my light was too bright and made my plants need tons of magnesium. I just dimmed my...
  3. Dan can grow

    Yields and cabinets

    I always love upgrading. I wish I had more room myself. 2x5x4 isn't much legroom for my stretchy sativas
  4. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    I figured so but I wasn't sure.
  5. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    I was just doing some thinking....when my thc bombs first sprouted dirt those first set of true leaves were 3 bladed. Anybody else ever have this on a strain? I wonder if that will mean fatter flowers later on?
  6. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    So I tried using my jewellers scope and my phone to get some close ups of my white widow. Here's what I got
  7. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    Today is June 13th and the delay in flower is almost over. My plants are now big enough and healthy enough to switch to 12/12. I have 2 white widows and 2 THC Bombs in the chamber this round.
  8. Dan can grow

    AK47 x WW First Grow

    I sample mine by chopping and if I have a popcorn nug ill set in the window sill for a day then taste test it. Usually has a grassy taste without a good cure tho.
  9. Dan can grow

    AK47 x WW First Grow

    Chippitty chop chop!
  10. Dan can grow

    AK47 x WW First Grow

    I would say time to chop before all those sugar leaves degrade also. I let my white widow go to day 65 and most trichs were cloudy and some amber.
  11. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    I would be willing to bet with the right nutrients and bud boosters they could double in size from day 35 ish
  12. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    So my total dry weight is 206 grams, which tallies out to .895 grams per watt. Not too shabby on 4 plants
  13. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    Official weigh in tonight....stay tuned
  14. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    I'll try to take some close up of my harvested ww. It is by far the frostiest I've gotten yet
  15. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    Oh yeah looking tasty! And that frost looks fine!
  16. Dan can grow

    Yields and cabinets

    She definitely looks to be re-vegging! Save those frosty genetics!
  17. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    The next batch to go in will be the purple white widow pheno x3. And I also popped 2 THC Bomb beans and 1 Gorilla glue bean. The 2 thc bombs have been topped and I'm flowering out the tops to verify sex. The gorilla glue is yet to small to do this sexing method. So stay tuned as we carry on...
  18. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    I'm about half way through harvest of these beautiful white widow ladies!
  19. Dan can grow

    My 2x5x4ft and 2x3x3 perpetual grow.

    Here's a really short update. These next batch of white widows are at day 57. I've been flushing for a week now. Harvest is this week. The young ones are on their way to getting bushy enough for flower. All though there will be at least 3 week delay in flower.