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  1. mwine87

    Mason Jars with cardboard as the lid...

    I can get them at my local hydro store.
  2. mwine87

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    He's watching, always.
  3. mwine87

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Haha, yeah that would be epic. My dad (57 this year) keeps an Incredible Hulk toy in his car. Hulk photo bombs coffee at Starbucks, dinner out, family holidays. He loves to show people what the Hulk likes to do in his off time. I think he took Hulk to see his brethren at the toy stores, still...
  4. mwine87

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Everyone needs one of these on the shelf!
  5. mwine87

    Mason Jars with cardboard as the lid...

    Thanks for all the input! definitely want to try the boveda packs. This was all a curiosity and actually probably won't try it out myself. But I would love to see one with a meter in it, please post! My friend initially told me and I was sceptical from the start. Please post any and all results...
  6. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    You're trying to cure your bud, not your violations!
  7. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    @Smidge34 i am worried about my outdoor pest near the tent, but this is the only spot i have to work with. I have neem, bt, and DE. The tent is outside as it is.
  8. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    See... Rough chop. Looks like brick is on the menu.
  9. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Thanks @angryblackman and @fumble I'll still have a substantial harvest after everything is said and done. Love the sense of community that RIU creates. Y'all are some super awesome people.
  10. mwine87

    Mason Jars with cardboard as the lid...

    Only one way to find out.
  11. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Thanks Doc! Very kind of you. :) Everyone stay on high alert! Been super busy today! Rebuilt the fence that was raped, will finish the other half tomorrow. My dad came over and helped me chop all my plants. ROUGH chop!! I've got 5 huge bundles of bud waiting to be trimmed. Will be up all night...
  12. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    So quickly all your dreams can be shattered. Had rippers come through and pull some buds last night. Not nearly all, but they know I'm here and will return. Pulling everything today. Have to rebuild part of my fence... It was termite ridden and was an easy target. They straight pulled planks off...
  13. mwine87

    Mason Jars with Cardboard Lids

    Gotta try it out. We all should. bongsmilie
  14. mwine87

    Mason Jars with Cardboard Lids

  15. mwine87

    Drying outdoors/mold?

    Picked up a 6 tier, 3ft diameter, mesh rack for $5 at the hydro store. Most of my drying will be on this under an EZ Up. I have NO room inside. Seems decent so far.
  16. mwine87

    Mason Jars with Cardboard Lids

    Thanks, @GreatwhiteNorth :-D
  17. mwine87

    Mason Jars with Cardboard Lids

    No, but on a couple small jars, I can do a side by side. I have enough growing to do a small trial. If its a no go, then I can make hash. Lol.
  18. mwine87

    Help Drying!!

    How do I make these connections!?! This in Cali?
  19. mwine87

    Mason Jars with Cardboard Lids

    Friend was talking about drying/curing today. He claimed a cardboard disc for the lid made the process easy, no burping involved. Would it pull out too much moisture? Would they over dry? Anyone ever try this or hear about it? Much appreciated!
  20. mwine87

    Mason Jars with cardboard as the lid...

    Was recently talking to someone about drying/curing today. He said he used to know growers that would trace the jar mouth on cardboard and use these as the lids. No burping involved, he said. Don't know how valid it is... Anyone hear about of this or tried this?? Seems like it would pull...