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  1. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    Respiratory Health and Cannabis Stoner magazine ask me to do an article about cannabis and health, I jumped at the chance to do this because I have very strong viewpoints on the subject. I first started using cannabis as an adolescent around the age of ten. I've always use cannabis to help...
  2. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    I was serious about investment advise but what ever :) OK Jokes on Me what The hell and I doing arguing with Trolls? I know better. I'm Out Sub
  3. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    I guess you guys are much smarter than me. I will repeat I use super soil and I am always making small changes. My latest was Insect Frass I don't sell my soil and I have taught thousands to make there own soil and get rid of bottled nutrients. Soil King sells a very similar mix and he seems to...
  4. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    Again I do not sell soil never have. Sub
  5. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    Again I dont care about your opinion its a recipe I use, why does it work now clue I assume its a buffet of nutrients and Cannabis is a super energy plant and can take high levels of nutrients its a prehistoric plant. I have 4 Kids that argue all the time I dont need to adopt more. Good...
  6. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    I pop on Rollitup from time to time I dont have time for forums and I do IG at stop lights it takes up no time and this does dealing with a bunch of kids that just want drama. Use the recipe or dont it really dosn't matter to me, Jill and I have 12 Cans made for winter. Sub
  7. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    First Off I do not and have never sold Super Soil its simply a recipe based on a more basic recipe from Vic High who also taught me about the krebs cycle..I have never made a dime from soil. I have no idea what your question is thousands of people around the planet use my recipe in one form or...
  8. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    Epic Run it looks Like I think you will like her very much once cured up. Sub
  9. subcoolgrower

    If you could only get 1 TGA

    To Each His own my friend I understand but I failed 9th grade its not that hard and your missing the cream of the crop :)
  10. subcoolgrower

    If you could only get 1 TGA

    Learn Some Tech I get 75% Females its simple Botany Sub
  11. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    Kind of a Nice Article. I might be the unnamed source :) Germinating marijuana seeds instead of relying only on clones is a must for every serious marijuana grower. But how do you know you’re getting good marijuana seeds? We recently talked to a major marijuana seed producer and strain...
  12. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    Very Impressive Dude!
  13. subcoolgrower

    GREEN AVENGER, the tribute strain to Sub...

    Y That is correct but we don't throw it out we recondition our land with it. Soil is Earth. Batch of Super Soil runs me about 160$ not worth risking my yields or quality with used soil Sub
  14. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    Plushberry will make its return to our menu soon you either love this strain or you don't it was reproduced for all those growers that e-mailed me 1000 times when the last original pack sold out. Sub
  15. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    We now Treat with Predator Mites FYI. Sub
  16. subcoolgrower

    Subcool SS used dirt?

    I suggest you check the latest Recipe we now use Fish Bone meal and Insect Frass and a few other ingredients I'm Epsom Salts BTW Sub
  17. subcoolgrower

    Subcool SS used dirt?

    I do not reuse Super Soil and Jinx will never talk to Spliff of John again for what its worth :) I batch of fresh super soil cost me 140$ and fills 18 pots its well worth the cost. not knocking you no till guys I think that method is amazing. We produce 2 pounds per 1 k Consistently with fresh...
  18. subcoolgrower


    Due to the thousands and thousands of request we are bringing back Plushberry, It will be about 4 weeks but all outlets will receive them and we plan to release them at the Emerald Cup as well. Stop by and Visit MzJill and BP Alpine and grab some new gear and testers. Sub
  19. subcoolgrower

    TGA By Others

    I think you should Top em ASAP :) Sub
  20. subcoolgrower

    subs supersoil

    BTW I am now adding Insect Frass Sub