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  1. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    I have wondered about water curing. I have Never tried it before.
  2. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    Laid an ass whooping on those bastards last night. Tonight I cut out all curled or shitty leaves an lollipop em to get some air flow down at the bases
  3. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    Got my gear on. Rubber gloves ,mask, bandanna Im gonna spray each one individually. That Caliclean spray is intense. Here we go
  4. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    Ya getting old brother
  5. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    Cali is made. Do I spray the whole plant? Or just the under side of leaves,?
  6. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    Thanks for the info man. Gonna start this now
  7. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    No I am not. Managed to get neem.oil even tho its been banned in canada
  8. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    Got the home list of stuff. Wife went shopping while I was at work and yes I grow habanero peppers. Got neem oil as well. Gonna start this process in 1 hr. Gave em a light blast with dawn last night now I'm gonna kill em all
  9. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    I am I am hydro scrog 110 plants in 6x6. Spray splash tronics. Vented with a 8" vortex. Light on temp is 25 deg light off temp is 17-19.
  10. kfos

    Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

    just notice the bastards. what can i do dudes? never delt with them before. they havent made it far yet
  11. kfos

    Can some one help me fist time hydro grower!!

    take your boots push button Tire ball into a 5 gallon pail soak it completely. with your hands work their Roots around in the water until all or 95% of the dirt is gone then take it and jam it into a foam ring to put to your 2 inch cup.what's your water temperature Like. How is your pH.what kind...
  12. kfos

    100 lbs Dreams

    Your girls look amazing.I Wish i could get that big here in canada. What line of fertilizer do you use,? Will you use a bud booster?
  13. kfos

    slow release or liquid ?

    Hey guys I use dagda slow release outside last year. just finished veg. i have the funds should i go liquid fertilize? slow release worked well and is cheap. will i get the results out of liquid? any suggestions on what i shoud use?
  14. kfos

    Can some one help me fist time hydro grower!!

    went from soil to hydro, whats your ppm at. id keep i like 600 let em adjust to the high flow of nutrients. up it 300 ppm after a week then go on as normal
  15. kfos

    How tall to grow my plants?

    these girls were 5" tall. 30 days into flower now. i veged for 17 days. i could have done less veg time.
  16. kfos

    110 plants in a 6x6!

    i have 104 in three bins 7 just didnt grab n gro so i pulled em. i veged 17 days then flower
  17. kfos

    110 plants in a 6x6!

    Not using phosphoload. Just keeping it simple this turn. Just Following the GH chart. I will check it out. What do you yeild per sq ? If I get 1.5 gram per watt I'll do 3.9 lbs. There is 26 sq ft of sog here. I'll tweek a few things next round
  18. kfos

    Flora Series Nutrients Question

    use all 3 to get best results. this s 4 weeks int flower. im following the gh chart to a tee.