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  1. mojoganjaman

    Quick Questions about Trimming.

    I'll venture mu opinion...aftter 30 yrs living with degenerative disc disease I'm not in real good shape...I have my pinks for 34 outdoor..128 indoor...the outdoor gives me enough to last the year, so I don't grow indoors...but trimming is a beast for I bought a shearline 2.0...a...
  2. mojoganjaman

    couple of easy outdoor questions

    i grow in holes...pots are not a need here....hth mojo
  3. mojoganjaman

    couple of easy outdoor questions

    I've been only growing outdoors for 12 yrs...still a bit of dolomite lime to your soil mix...bugs...just let natures predator bugs get them...nutes...feed the soil..I add some bone meal at flowering...but my soil is certified organic..I feed organic food 3 times a yr....the...
  4. mojoganjaman

    error spurs Canada’s Aphria to recall medical cannabis

    don't tell torontomeds this....he'll fall off his tricycle.. mojo
  5. mojoganjaman

    High Times 2017 Best Vape Pen

    I purchased a yocan evolve plus xl last weekend...$125 with 5 spare good...and I'm breathing more wheezing at bedtime....I'm happy. mojo
  6. mojoganjaman

    Proof that some people are too stupid to use cannabis

    I'm an addict...tobacco...alcohol...if there ain't no smokes or beer in the fridge I kin be a used to be ok to run out and have to visit the, I grow what I need, but its not a priority like legal products .02 mojo
  7. mojoganjaman

    stainless bho tube

    lookin' to make some buddy blasts' like I did in the late 80's...pvc tube...I want to use stainless...any info/help appreciated...;)) mojo
  8. mojoganjaman

    Here's to 2018

    have a happy safe year folks!!!!! mojo
  9. mojoganjaman

    old hands

    picked it up today...but after 4 hrs running around it was not that wife is a curious gal...I suggested she read the manual if she was gonna play with it...she responded...nah...I'll figure it....she rolled a perfect joint first time...too bad she just found another job...good for...
  10. mojoganjaman

    old hands

    my wife has a cigarette roller that is pretty much that....but its hers...but she rolls my smokes...thanks tho!!! mojo
  11. mojoganjaman

    old hands

    thanks folks...gonna try the RAW auto roller...adjustable tension and a mere $18 CAD....;)) mojo
  12. mojoganjaman

    old hands

    thanks folks....these ain't he golden yrs....they are the rusty yrs...;)) mojo
  13. mojoganjaman

    old hands

    my doobs are getting difficult with my buggered fingers...anyone know of a good machine??? mojo the ol' fart who feels older
  14. mojoganjaman

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    fire fang is a web like growth that covers well leeched horse pucks...very good for bulk substrates...gather them, grind 'em up...then pasteurize for a couple hrs...strain and cool...use the tea for your cannabis plants...shrooms love it!!!! mojo
  15. mojoganjaman

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    dunno if fire fang has been mentioned...if not I can elaborate...happy growing!!!! mojo
  16. mojoganjaman

    New trimming ideas

    looks bux right now mojo
  17. mojoganjaman

    Getting involved in legalization

    hmmm...wonder what the insurance cost will run...not slaggin'...just curious...;))) mojo
  18. mojoganjaman


    well...I went with Crop King...5x white widow, 5x crown royal(kushxblueberry) and green crack...small order but its what this po dirt farmer could wrangle out of the 'ol lady...;))) mojo
  19. mojoganjaman


    holy...thank you all...I should have been more specific...I'm looking for feminized seeds...have a friend lined up to grow them for clones( I don't do indoors ) so I need to have that "hope" that they are female...buddy has his own script and is willing to break his cycle to help...clarity is...
  20. mojoganjaman


    I like trainwreck, green crack and blueberry...thanks budz!!!! mojo