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  1. M

    Advice needed

    soil 600 w build bio bloom
  2. M

    Advice needed

    soil 600 w build bio bloom feed
  3. M

    Advice needed

  4. M

    Advice needed

    soil 600w build
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    Advice needed

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    Advice needed

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    Advice needed

  8. M

    Advice needed

    I have critical orange punch it had inadequate light at the start but has loads of pistil on her and bud coming on but it is 14 weeks now and needs at least another 3 weeks I’m guessing will that be ok ?? Thanks in advance
  9. M

    Advice needed

    I’ve got orange punch it had inadequate light at the start but has got quite a lot of buds coming on just wondering if it will be ok because it’s about 14 weeks and by the look of it still has at least 3 weeks to go will that be ok thanks
  10. M

    Advice needed

    Any tips would be appreciated thank
  11. M

    Advice needed

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    Advice needed

  13. M


    Hiya troops first time grower I just had 3 good cheese crop there but started orange punch my plant had inadequate light for first 4 weeks ive got it on 12/12 but week 14 now will my crop be ok loads of buds appearing from the pistils any help would be greatly appreciated cheers