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  1. swiftkillpapa

    Lighthouse hydro blackstar hack

    Hmm I thought I did the math right. I'll check it again re wire then keep you posted
  2. swiftkillpapa

    Lighthouse hydro blackstar hack

    So for the last couple days I've been working on replacing an old burnt out Blackstar light. I pulled out the pcb that the lights were attached to. Then got cheap eBay cree xte's. I after some frustrating work and being a first time solderer I got it wired. Well one side.I hooked it up to the...
  3. swiftkillpapa

    MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

    So I was at my local fry's electronics looking for resistors to fit my to my 2 drivers at 50k ohm pot. It says 5k resistors. Are these it?
  4. swiftkillpapa

    Diy rooting powder/liquid/gel

    So I've been working at a cloning nursery for a year now and saw how much we doesn't in kln and supernatural rootburst powder. Both of which are decent priced compared to other products in this industry. I'm a diy guy and love just seeing what I can make. So I decided to make my own kln, dip n'...
  5. swiftkillpapa

    MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

    I don't get it? They're just smaller drivers?
  6. swiftkillpapa

    Username Change

    Or you can create an application process. But hey I don't run a site I couldn't image the amount of work you guys do. I'm just a restaurant server. I don't deal with ppl online all day.
  7. swiftkillpapa

    MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

    Ok so then I have another question and don't know where to ask it but I figure y'all would know. If I wanted to put in a in off switch for each driver would I add the switch to the a.c. Input cord of each driver?
  8. swiftkillpapa

    Username Change

    Just so I understand. If someone, who has been on here for years, contributes posts and befriends many, finally realized they used an old childish name when they started and wish it to be changed they must lose all connection with their previous posts just to have a name that's not a 18 year old...
  9. swiftkillpapa

    MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

    O well that was easy I guess. Thank god ppl like @stardustsailor are here to help out noobs
  10. swiftkillpapa

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    So I didn't know where else to ask this but... I'd like to daisy chain, well really connect drivers to a single input plug. How do I calculate how many drivers I can wago connect to a normal 110v plug before I blow up some shit. I see ppl daisy chaining drivers how do you know how many you can do?
  11. swiftkillpapa

    MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

    Ok so I'm late to the game as usual. I read sds tutorial and as usual I'm lost as fuck. Every time I try to learn something new because I finally got the last thing down, I realize how ignorant I am in this area of work. So I want to run 4 hlg185hc700b powering 168 cree xpgs. According to the...
  12. swiftkillpapa

    Lighthouse blackstar light hack

    So I bought some equipment off Craigslist and it came with a half burn out lighthouse blackstar I'm trying to figure out what their drivers are rated for. It doesn't seem to say. I would like to refit them with...
  13. swiftkillpapa

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I know what you're saying and I'd follow suit but I'm just a worker bee for a clone company. We use rockwool for transportation and assistance for new growers because dealing with open air roots, according to my boss, is more difficult for survival. So bc it's his business and his choice, which...
  14. swiftkillpapa

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    So I like your questions @DonaldJTrump I've been on the same page. I have a question aside from your enquires. I'm looking to figure out the equation that will help me know. If I want to make a cloning solution stronger than kln with 2% iba or iaa how do I figure out how many greens per gallon...
  15. swiftkillpapa

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    How'd you find that. I couldn't. Damn word choice. much appreciated
  16. swiftkillpapa

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    And I find nothing really
  17. swiftkillpapa

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I totally forgot to look up local supply places. I live I'm San Diego area I could totally find that her I'm sure
  18. swiftkillpapa

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    So I have a question. I took @MisterBlah original dyna-gro grow recipe because I work for a cloning facility so it would seem easier to make a large batch than to continue to buy cns17 constantly. Anyway so I converted the numbers and found the price per x weight when I finally got it all added...
  19. swiftkillpapa

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    I would like to deconstruct an old led from blackstar bc half of the lights burned out but they have 3 drivers but no information on the driver from what I saw. How would I find the specs