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  1. J


    Also half the reason I'm doing this is for the investment because we have a very tight budget and can't afford the extra fuel to go to the other side of town or the 25
  2. J


    Exactly it also eliminates dealing with the indigenous who run the stick houses who give you barely half a gram for $25 I've only spent about $30 and need to spend another 20-30 to have everything I need if I get 1.5 gs it's already payed for itself and I can do another small grow every few...
  3. J


    I have a nice size coffee table about a foot and a half width and height underneath I plan on putting my best girl in , also me and my partner smoke only a small ammount usually on the weekends so any concerns about small yield doesn't matter if I get a few grams out of her that's fine. So I'm...
  4. J


    If you have the time later dalek I have a couple questions I really need to ask and there's no1 local I can talk to as my friends know about a quarter as much as I do, I have to make my box stealth as possible as obviously it's still illegal here in aus
  5. J


    My daughter in law thinks they are herbs I havnt told her what they are and didn't have anywhere else to start them off as I'm still buying parts for my grow box, thank you so so so much for the fast reply dalek you are a legend
  6. J


    Ok this is my very first grow I've watched many guides and read many tutorials but I can't work out if somethings wrongbasically my girls leaves are starting to droop and the leaves feel slightly dry but apart from that they look healthy and new leaves look fine I really just need someone to put...