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  1. Mildewman

    Keep breaking glass

    Im twitchy as F and have problems with coordination and fine motor skills. I never know when a tick will happen to intercept a bong / whip and then bang its in shards all over the floor. With my bong i have wrapped layers of thick duct tape over the outside, which so far has protected it from...
  2. Mildewman

    Do we need a consensus?

    can we get a consensus to move this thread to the politics forum now its completely derailed? :)
  3. Mildewman

    Do we need a consensus?

    After a bit of thinking on this subject i stuck on a big issue - Big Color Glossy Photos. Any instruction manual thats for something thats not invisible is surely going to be based on lots of BCGP's. Typical pot growing book - guerilla printed on black and white newsprint with tiny scribbled...
  4. Mildewman

    Do we need a consensus?

    Grow books i have read are too advanced and conceptual. I dont need to know how to 'ploid my seeds and chart punnet squares. I want to know exactly what part of the plant is a "leaf" and stuff like that - so basic that books do not cover it. I mean literally, back in the mid '90's in my...
  5. Mildewman

    Do we need a consensus?

    I also suggest I did my first proper grow (600w MH/HPS, 4x4, Coco) and got 1g/w by using their tutorials.
  6. Mildewman

    The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

    Wow, openly espousing concentration camps for those who you disagree with politically. Your failure to understand the fundamentals of democracy is a big part of the current social unrest in your country.
  7. Mildewman

    How to physically smoke rock hard BHO ?

    A few days ago i made my first ever batch of BHO using my own homegrown trim. (Made plenty before but always for other people) Its a good batch, and its rock hard. Normally i smoke oil using one hot knife and a pin, and just dip the pin into the viscous BHO, but this stuff is solid - if i...
  8. Mildewman

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, questions

    After about 60 seconds i realized i was not actually going to die, and very quickly returned to planet earth, binned the sheeting, cleaned up and went to bed. I think what happened is that the huge natural chemical release caused by the pain and shock from the cat attack pushed my already...
  9. Mildewman

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, questions

    Went to the Dr for a checkup, weight was lowest in 5 years, doctor could not work out how someone could loose weight in lockdown lol. Had a bad turn on Sat night, had been jamming music, drinking (9 standard drinks), and smoking all day (plus 300mg of Venlafaxine and 60mg of Mirtazapine), night...
  10. Mildewman

    GG#4 giving me mild CHe syndrome. lost over 10kg so far.

    GG#4 giving me mild CHe syndrome. lost over 10kg so far.
  11. Mildewman

    Drying rooms out with a dehumidifier - hot box or windows open?

    Found the answer on this krazy new thing the kids call google, cant work out how to delete my post. (windows closed turned out to be the best)
  12. Mildewman

    Drying rooms out with a dehumidifier - hot box or windows open?

    I am currently trying to use a 26l Mitsubishi dehumidifier to dry out the dampness in my laundry. Its early winter where i am, temps about 15c, ambient humidity 80%, laundry with dehumidifier running and windows/doors closed is below 40% Should i close the laundry up hot box style or leave...
  13. Mildewman

    My accidental tobacco smoking story.

    A few years back, i had been jamming music / drinking / smoking pot all day and it had gotten to about midnight, everyone else had gone home, and i had run out of pot. I searched around the living room and found some roaches, and broke them into chunks and lined them up on the stove. Im rather...
  14. Mildewman

    New Zealand legalization reeferendum Sept 2020

    I am really hoping that once i start my tent back up it will be legal :) I would still use my carbon filter and use as much stealth as i am capable of - just to be polite to the neighbors. The only laws i ever break are pot laws, so for me doing a grow is basically infinitely more illegal...
  15. Mildewman

    How are you smoking yours?

    Here in New Zealand we do not mix tobacco with pot. Traditionally NZ green (a very sturdy but weak sativa from India) was smoked in joints made of one or 1.5 zigzag papers, no filter or cardboard. Then in the 80's when skunk started becoming available it was too dense and expensive to roll...
  16. Mildewman

    Looking to get a pound per harvest.

    With the heat where you live i would suggest going COB LED. You are going to have to do heaps of research yourself. I suggest the site - out of all the conflicting info out there, following their tutorials enabled me to get a great result (1G / W meaning one gram of...
  17. Mildewman

    First proper grow WW and GG#4, Dec11 - Apr7

    Buds cured and vacuum packed into 50gm bags for storage, rest jarred for current needs :)
  18. Mildewman

    Biden is screwed

    I mean the mindset of "because i disagree with your politics you should have less rights than me". - the cry of facists everywhere. As opposed to "while i find your opinions repulsive, i accept your right to have an opinion different to mine. Your vote should count for just as much as mine...
  19. Mildewman

    Biden is screwed

    IMO just like the last election, Trump will win due to a combination of factors... 1. War President (Covid) U dont change leaders part way through a war. 2. For better or worse, middle America being scared and angry = votes for Trump. Life is hardly getting less scary or angry. 3. How can...