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  1. F

    How do I get a Real Strawberry Cough seed or the original clone... Kushman?

    if you can find motarebel seeds he has lung candy which is a selfed kk strawberry cough,and the reviews are amazing!he also has twisted fruit which is epic!
  2. F

    Snow high seeds Anyone?

    the Hell Fire OG looks dank as fawk!
  3. F

    Sad day

    very sorry to hear bro
  4. F

    lookin to buy a used SUV

    get ready to spend some money on gas,but they are great vehicles
  5. F

    I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!

    friend of mine did it with whiskey,made it to 51....
  6. F

    Can I sue children services?

    being a responsible parent is just plain knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing,not because people say its right,cause you love your child and want them healthy and ounce of prevention.... stop making excuses and just dont smoke,drink or do drugs while pregnant,and guys...
  7. F

    lowerleaves turning yellow..

    a ph of 8 is too high
  8. F

    lowerleaves turning yellow..

    thats not a nitrogen problem,imo its over fert or ph is way off but buddy is right,a whole clear plant shot would make a diagnosis much easier...
  9. F

    Medical seeds 1024??Good strain??

    bc seeds is a scam site!,why would you recommend a known scam site?
  10. F

    most potent autoflower you have encountered?

    a lot of companies sell auto ak and white widow...i assume some are better than others,
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    most potent autoflower you have encountered?

    no,i meant what breeders for the strains you listed?
  12. F

    most potent autoflower you have encountered?

    what seed company bro?
  13. F

    Strawberry Cough - Best Seed Source?

    motorebel has kk strawberry cough s1's and twisted fruit which has sc in it
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    most potent autoflower you have encountered?

    that red poison sounds good!
  15. F

    most potent autoflower you have encountered?

    just wondering whats the most potent auto strains are in your opinions?
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    I'm starting up a YouTube channel to try create a community of growers that help one another.

    cool,just seen guys get busted by putting up youtube vids...carry on...
  17. F


    for pure potency fire og..its still #1 for me in potency.