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  1. Choco8

    What strains are you running right now?

    One of my favorite strains by far. The pheno I have has been taking about 10 weeks and smelling wonderful the entire time. Love to see some pictures of what yours looks like...I've seen a lot of variations, but all really nice! This is the last bush to come down.
  2. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    April 08
  3. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    March 23
  4. Choco8

    Post your trichomes / plants before harvest !!

    Here's some Strawberry Lemonade that will be harvested sometime in the next few days, which will be right around 10 weeks. Right now most areas are 95% + milky trichomes with just a few brown heads here and there, so I am just going to keep watching for now.
  5. Choco8

    Bi-Partisan Senate report calls for sweeping effort to stop Russian trolls on social media platforms.

    Daily Kos is a site dedicated to sheep-herding liberals into supporting establishment Democrats, which unfortunately includes infusing them with a great deal of propaganda and fear-mongering about Russia, which I think is a dangerous development, You can read the post I screenshotted here...
  6. Choco8

    Bi-Partisan Senate report calls for sweeping effort to stop Russian trolls on social media platforms.

    The creative minds at Daily Kos have a Final Solution in mind. Not sure if internment camps are next. They are also very worried about Russian Anchor Babies, which is NOTHING LIKE conservatives being afraid of Mexican Anchor Babies. Some irrational xenophobias are better than others.
  7. Choco8

    "Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

    lmao...imagine stanning for this guy on a cannabis forum.
  8. Choco8

    Low Cost Automated Drain To Waste System For Coir

    Just cut down the 2 plants this system was tested out on, after 9 weeks of flowering - very happy with the results. Good dense crop of monster branches and buds. Here's the branches from ONE of the plants awaiting trimming: One down, one to go: One in the drying tent:
  9. Choco8

    Low Cost Automated Drain To Waste System For Coir

    I'm not sure there is other than not needing a tank large enough for a 5 day/2 cycle a day DTW routine, which would be about 125 gallons for my setup. My well water is like 58 degrees in the winter, so I need to let it warm up first. As far as going away a week, that's unlikely given all the...
  10. Choco8

    Low Cost Automated Drain To Waste System For Coir

    The "pump" is just a piece of silicon tubing that gets squeezed by 3 rotating rollers, so there are no parts exposed to whatever fluid you are moving. As long as you don't let the tubing dry out, the pumps reliably output the measured amount. That's where having the graduated clear containers...
  11. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    If I wanted to troll, I wouldn't waste my time in some dusty corner of a weed blog. I'd work undercover for the DNC telling lies about Bernie Sanders and calling people Russian assets on Twitter and being followed by thousands of gullible liberals ( ALSO SEE : The Lincoln Project) , like...
  12. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    Did he say anything about Team Biden's decision to NOT raise minimum wage and NOT provide student debt relief or nah? Great theater in any case.
  13. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    No, you're just clueless. Hope that helps.
  14. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    I'm not seeing the equivalence between Biden's bait-and-switch and the color of Obama's suit. The mid-terms are going to be brutal.
  15. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    The problem is that they used the phrase "$2000 checks". Which is a check for $2000. Not $1400. Terrible judgement on their part.
  16. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    It's a compilation, so that isn't possible. What part of Democrats promising $2000 checks is hard to grasp?
  17. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    It's actually something right out of Joe Biden's mouth. Did you not watch the video?
  18. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    "Biden lies just like Orange Man Bad" is an interesting defense.
  19. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    It's Nancy Pelosi ripping up the $2000 checks Biden and a slew of other Democrats promised before the Georgia runoffs.. Some context:
  20. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    variation on a theme