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  1. B

    First time grow and LST

    Good info.. I will avoid scrog and maybe try to implement it for my outdoor setup this summer. I will supercrop and fim and see how it goes! I know my primary focus shouldn't be to maximize yields for my first grow and focus more on healthy plants but Ive taken several plant bio/botany classes...
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    First time grow and LST

    Thanks for the advice. I want to supercrop and think I can do it. Do I just want to supercrop the tallest branches in attempt to even them/slow growth for the other branches to catch up? If so would I want to just bend them to a point where they are level with other branches or would I want to...
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    First time grow and LST

    This is my first grow ever and attempt to do LST. I didn't use any tie downs but I did bending techniques and topping/fiming. The main reason I did LST was to have multiple colas. These plants are a month and a half into veg and started as clones. I'm going to keep vegging for a few more weeks...
  4. B

    pre flower??

    Thanks for the input Larry.. As of now I have them outside from 12pm-5pm. At 5pm I bring them inside and have them under 1000w mh bulb until 8am. At 8am I turn the lights off and let them sleep until noon. They are on a 20/4 schedule. Would you recommend less light hours or would you recommend...
  5. B

    pre flower??

    I've been alternating my plants indoor at night 1000w mh and out door in the day. I wait until it is 70+ F and if it's a cold day I leave them inside under lights. This sky walker OG already has pistils on it and one of them seems to be pretty large although I don't want the plant to flower yet...
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    Stunted Clone

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest
  7. B

    Stunted Clone

    Good advice. I'll move it up higher. Any advice on nutes at this point? I've read that I don't need nutes in this soil for a solid month. Thanks!
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    Stunted Clone

    3 weeks from roots. Maybe even longer.
  9. B

    Stunted Clone

    Here's a pic of the setup. The light is more like 30+ inches. The top leaves seemed to be curling a little, most likely due to heat stress. I moved the light up an additional 5 inches, hoping that will help.
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    Stunted Clone

    It seemed as if they were stunted before I picked them up since they were only 3-5 inches at 3 weeks. My guess was due to light deficiency. I knew it wouldn't be great to put them under this light right away but didn't have another option. I have the light far away from the plants - 24 inches...
  11. B

    Stunted Clone

    I have a nice indoor set up and got a couple clones that a friend had previously bought and decided he couldn't take care of them. The clones are about 3 weeks to a month old. He had them indoor under some 15W bulbs. Very poor lights I know.. They didn't get cold though because we are in Cali...