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  1. moving_shadow


    given the comments made on my own setup, I would say yes!
  2. moving_shadow

    air circulation

    okay first dry run, very rudimentary but I was excited when I managed to get everything so I had to light it up. Its been running for an hour, amazing how the heat penetrates the glass, its warm but not hot, I can get the plant pretty close to the bulb which I'm happy about. The reflector...
  3. moving_shadow

    air circulation

    Hey guys thanks for the all the inputs. Just like to make some general comments as I think some thoughts were missed. I already had one CFL grow, I'm now trying the HID grow- it was even more low budget than this one. I made my own air cooled reflector, it is still in the building stage and...
  4. moving_shadow

    air circulation

    I haven't bought the ducting yet, as I require things I buy them so I do not waste on things if I decide to change my mind. I drilled all three holes since you didn't bring up any issues. Hole saws are dangerous! My third hole the hole saw actually jammed and the drill flew out the hole I sort...
  5. moving_shadow

    air circulation

    thanks for all the feedback, I didn't want to dump all the details of the grow room here as I have another thread open in the newbies section here The carbon filters are pretty pricey for me at this stage, this is...
  6. moving_shadow

    air circulation

    hey guys So I am at an impasse with my current build. I am building an HID system in a cupboard so heat extraction and general air circulation are the main problem areas. I am thinking of the current setup for circulating air, basically connecting the grow room exhaust to the intake of the...
  7. moving_shadow

    intake filter?

    can one use a cone filter thats generally fitted to cars?
  8. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    okay service where I live is extremely terrible but I made some more progress today Over the past week I've been searching for a 6" hole saw but these things are extremely expensive, R550, this is more than the extractor fan I was wanting to buy at R300. I decided to then reduce the fan to 4"...
  9. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    Thanks man, the fabrication of the reflector was my main stumbling block but I think things should move faster now, its been six or so months just to get to this point. I'm actually thinking I should first get the extractor fan before actually making any holes. I'm considering this one...
  10. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    hey guys without repeating myself with another introductory post I will just go right into it I had a CFL grow that failed (my own stupidity) and now I will be attempting an HID grow on a budget (aren't we all). I'm an economist by qualification (some may argue born that way) so I wanted to...
  11. moving_shadow

    long time guest finally registers

    hey guys As the title suggests I've been coming here occasionally for the past few years to get some insights into growing. I've had one unsuccessful grow (pruned my plant without adjusting the nutrient intake and it died) under CFL lights and now I'm going the HID route and currently busy...