I wouldn't call it shit. I've grown a lot of righteous weed with it. I still use it for my clones and then into 1g pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest till topping then into 3g pots with Fox's. 17 to 18 weeks from cloning the toppings to lighting the pipe. Maybe not fast enough for commercial...
Yup but deer spread the deer ticks. More wolves? Do you think they'll just focus on deer? They'll prefer easier prey such as foxes, groundhogs, squirrels, cats, rabbits, children, and so on. And they won't kill them as humanely as I do.
No it doesn't. Does it make you feel like a man to make ad hominem comments. For your information, most wild animals die by being eaten alive. Keep in mind that I don't abuse them and I don't kill them for pleasure. Just clearing vermin from around the house.
No, just on TV but know that they are well established in central PA. Even bigger a problem is coyotes. They are all around the Philly burbs. I don't mind them so much because they do a job on stray cats. Groundhogs do what? First off there are damn few prairies or grasslands in PA. Perhaps...