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  1. O

    DieselRyder Hermie? Can I use it's pollen?

    Hey about a month along and the dieselryders are starting to show sex. They were feminized seeds but one of them has turn what looks like straight male? Is this possible with this seed line anyone have experience with it? There was a tiny bit of stress I think from an early overwater or...
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    seedlings starting under cfl grid couple of quick questions.

    hey i just used a thread on here about power strip cfls. they sell these little plug in adapters at home depot/lowes/wal-mart (walmart is the cheapest but home depot for sure and maybe lowes will price match them on the same kind of item if wally is low or out of stock as they were here). i...
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    seedlings starting under cfl grid couple of quick questions.

    just a little update highly recommend attitude seeds, all of the seeds i bought from them now popped through (freebies as well) except one of the ak-48's from nirvana which is m.i.a. oh well 24/25 aint bad thats for sure. the dieselryders are taking off like crazy sending out a huge tap root...
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    seedlings starting under cfl grid couple of quick questions.

    thought of a good question i've been meaning to ask. so there will be 18-20 feminized seeds going in to flower. how long (estimate of course) will i need to veg them from popping through the soil before they will be big enough to use 2000 hps for flowering, 3000 hps for flowering? i know you...
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    seedlings starting under cfl grid couple of quick questions.

    it's just the basement of a house sectioned off basically. they're the 26w daylight cfl from ge at wal-mart they really don't seem to give off much heat i can hold my hand on there i dunno. i am definitely watching closely though. i have an in room heater keeping the temp 76ish and the...
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    seedlings starting under cfl grid couple of quick questions.

    awesome thank you for the help! i forgot how much fun this is :)
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    seedlings starting under cfl grid couple of quick questions.

    hey started the seedlings under a 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft 12x 26w 6500k cfl grid today. the first seed (the freebie lemon skunk) just popped through this morning. how far away should i keep the light grid from the brand new seedlings to start? i know once they are a little bit a long i want to put...
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    new grow starting up, need some advice & guidance!

    hey i'm an intermediate grower starting up a new project. just got the seeds from attitude in the mail the other day thanks guys! i'll be using white label northern lights, dutch passion power plant, & nirvana ak-47. they are all feminized (which is why i went with the nirvana ak over the...