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  1. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    How are all the delusions today guys, hope you are all keeping each others theories well fed
  2. B

    Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

    See, again, another far left narrative. You do not understand what fascism is or where it came from, If you did, you would not be using It in a debate with anybody that has studied history in fact, all you are doing is advertising it's birth out of socialism. Mussolini was a radical socialist...
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    Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

    I love this site for it's information and help on growing but damn, seeing leftards and socialist here in their little teeny weeny tiny echo chambers makes me depressed, I try to be civil but your repugnant attitudes and misguided narratives lashing out at anybody with differing opinions or...
  4. B

    Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

    This guy served for his country, you serve for yourself, kind of insulting and grotesque to say things about a soul who lost his life in these dark times
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    You know what, maybe we should try Marxism for a decade, see how that ends.
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    So, BLM and Antifa are not extreme left, Is this what you are pushing?
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Just that Gaige Grosskreutz, the guy that pulled a gun on him and got dis-armed, no pun intended, was at an Antifa rally where he exclaimed on mic "Long Live the Revolution" and then acted out the Black Power salute When will you guys wake up?
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Ooh, he came out from under his stone again, so, what pleasure do I have for bringing you out here tonight, did I say something that got ya all riled up again Lol, I don't think Sherwood Forest was haunted even in fantasy stories.
  9. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Wow, you know nothing about me, you paint a picture that suits your echo chamber. I don't know what is more scary, the crazy fools burning down cities everywhere or the fact you actually believe what you just wrote, you seriously need to see a doctor or therapist, dude, you have issues. For...
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    What has Trump done to this country?

    I thought he was a minor, not sure about law with that, he'll probably walk, they were beating on him with skateboards, high kicks and a gun, he still took two lives though and will live with that his entire life,, he should have stayed away and let Antifa & BLM melt that parking lot, where were...
  11. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I thought you were the guy that melts when someone mentions they like trump, not calling you a snowflake or any but you do have form
  12. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    There you go, we agree on something, I would imagine we agree on more than that we disagree but we are living in unprecedented times where extremism has rooted deep into both extremes of the political landscape. We don't have to fight to resolve this situation that the world is in right now...
  13. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I am going to stay in your echo chamber and bring some reason to all your hatred.
  14. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I'm actually centre left
  15. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Wow, you call me a moron, don't be so childish. Mathew Dolloff attempted to grab the murder victims mace, the murder victim then swiped out at Dolloff knocking his hat off, Dolloff then pulled his gun and at that point the murder victim tried to mace the aggressor, Dolloff then discharged his...
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    What has Trump done to this country?

  17. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    You cannot use deadly force if someone maces you in self defence. Typical double standards from you leftards. The guy he murdered was a veteran and defended your right to be able to post here today. you should be ashamed. It looks like Mathew Dolloff was the instigator in this attack and is...
  18. B

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Loony lefty kills a Navy veteran at back the blue event in Denver.
  19. B

    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Food for thought A more relevant piece of media going back to the title of this thread
  20. B

    GH Mother formula

    Thankyou Renfro