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  1. Stoz1985

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    FFS… that’s for real!!
  2. Stoz1985

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    who’s gone straight to google after seeing this… blown my mind:fire:
  3. Stoz1985

    Bright spot on dark days

    When an icecream is just what you need…
  4. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    having to refill that shelf daily is a paradox for me… very proud in the morning… absolutely gutted by the evening...
  5. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    I do… I just felt I was on a roll :D
  6. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    When I first read I thought it said wedding helmet… :bigjoint:
  7. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Good job I was 20mins away from the better half …
  8. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    I don’t think we’ve eaten better in our lives… we spend a morning planning the meal and afternoon cooking It. It’s helped break the monotonous days up:D with mine nd the young ens attempts at becoming master bakers thrown into the mix :bigjoint:
  9. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    My heart maybe grateful but my minds in despair!!! thats exactly how me and the missus normally work it but tbh I’ve quite enjoyed the planning…
  10. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    About 2 miles… took 3 hrs because the 2 year old decided today was her ‘I wanna walk day’ and she needed obviously needed icecream in this freakishly warm… 20 degree weather!
  11. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    We still got our chippies though :dunce:
  12. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Nice… all restaurants and bars have been closed here in England for a good 2 months!!>:( its worse than that though… McDonal’s, KFC & Burger King are also closed!!!!
  13. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    How’s this ending up?
  14. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    I’ve just been for my daily walk… 2 joints and a child in toe…! Had 3 Aspall ciders while I was at it…(obviously)!!! Now im sat in the graden, Half baked, smoking my full baked joint (hopefully) Wondering how to attack the bechamel sauce for our lasagna.... all I’m certain on is cheese… and...
  15. Stoz1985

    Reuse Coco??

    Cheers guys… a nice little project to kill a few fours’
  16. Stoz1985

    Reuse Coco??

    Perfect... cheers
  17. Stoz1985

    Seriously missing football

  18. Stoz1985

    Seriously missing football

    Well with the money you 2 would bring there might be 2nd thoughts on that count. And I have no doubt you’d be up there quick coz sky etc. Will be fighting like fuck to show the games. which Obviously means more money coming in followed by better players, and so on. I’d love to see it myself...
  19. Stoz1985

    Reuse Coco??

    Right peeps, so I’ve got 3 seedlings in little pots at the minute. I’m waiting for the tent to free up from drying to pop them in. I won’t have enough coco for their final homes. I could get a fresh bag but can’t be arsed looking with the lockdown and shit so I was wondering.... Can I reuse the...
  20. Stoz1985

    Seriously missing football

    You never know… this maybe the chance for the SPL’s big 2 to join the English leagues… what would be your thoughts on that? I mean the little money in Scottish football already means you both are well ahead of the overs already! Imagine the gulf once it’s over? I don’t know though… I know it’s a...