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  1. Poobzilla

    Uk cuttings/clones law?

    I agree with what most are saying. If you have cuttings without roots then I don't think they can class them as plants but once they are rooted they are plants and they will count the whole lot in regards to any sentence that was being considered. I will give you the benefit of the doubt on...
  2. Poobzilla

    Nutrient levels

    Hi, hate to be asking another question so soon, I have just had some nutrients delivered, b-52 and voodoo juice. I know I have to monitor PPM's and the ratio would be 1:1:1:2:2 for the current stage of growth(seedling, almost veg) with adding b-52 and voodoo juice to the end. Do i just keep...
  3. Poobzilla

    CptTripps' first grow journal.

    She looks pretty fine to me but i know nothing. If you feel she is falling over you could prop up with some chopsticks or something. Are your BB's autos aswell?(Edit: NVM seen another thread where you siad they were auto) Was looking at maybe getting some for a future grow but photos.
  4. Poobzilla

    When to start nutrition

    I'm using nutes right now and my cotyledons are still green. I'm keeping PPM of nutes to below 250 PPM until I have a few more set of leaves before upping their intake. I am however growing in a coco medium.
  5. Poobzilla

    .Smoke's Hempy Bucket Adventures

    Unlucky bud, atleast you got it replaced pronto. When I seen that WW pic above I thought it was a bucket of popcorn at first lol
  6. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    @KanaGirl Thanks for the information and pics. Looking at yours and then looking at my pic I see that the tiny leaves just may be the other parts of a fan that just look like they are growing under. Was wanting to ask just to keep track as following LBH's scrog tutorial once I begin topping...
  7. Poobzilla

    2by2 top yield

    My friend has had success in a 60x60 with photos. If I can remember right he is mainlining/manifolding from what he was explaining to me. Not sure on his yields but with the amount he smokes and that he says hes had enough to give some to his sister I would say it was enough.
  8. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    Cool, for counting nodes for when i get to topping, would this be a separate node or is this part of the same node since they are growing from under and not from above? such as fan leaves.
  9. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    I am running short on funds enough that I am having to stop buying bud for a while so not an option after buying a new light. check my edit for new pic
  10. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    I'm not sure if humidity is an issue or not. Humidity seems steady during the day at 50% and raises during the night as its usually about 70% when I wake up in the morning. It was pretty low in the beginning and that's when I seen a tip about using a mister. I am not heavy handed with it...
  11. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    I know about the cotyledon as they look completely different. If you look below the top leaves there are tiny baby leaves that look like when you have the new growth coming from the top. Unfortunately tent is set up next to bed so have to have their night as my night to try and help me sleep...
  12. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

  13. Poobzilla

    Seedling, small leaves under secondary

    Have another noob question, I have another noob question. I have some small leaves growing under my secondaries. Is this part of the same node? Want to keep track for when I need to top.
  14. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    I know I should be more than fine but first grow cant expect amazing yields. Only need a few oz on top of that and that will keep my habit in check until next harvest unless I smoke more that there will be more around lol
  15. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    Will give it a follow. Quite pleased that there seem to be a few white widow grows that have all started around the same time.
  16. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    Nice, I like the glove cup method. Is it an auto/photo seed?
  17. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    I got a pack of 5 and got a free critical seed with them. Didn't know if I was going to germ all of them or not but as I got the free seed thought I could go for 4 and if I fuck up I have the 2 spare. Another factor was that I seen my friends grow and hes got 2 in each corner of a 60x60 and...
  18. Poobzilla

    Plants fallen over under own weight

    I have just started also, but from what I have seen around I think its best to add your nutrients and then adjust for PH. Wait until someone more experienced answers though, could always be mistaken.
  19. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    So my first water has been completed. I need a bigger container for mixing in as my cans are only 1.5 and the PPM results and PH vary as a result of each plant taking a litre of water with runoff. I don't know if tailoring to each is better off for me being a noob or if i should be giving them...
  20. Poobzilla

    White Widow, First Grow

    So after some research found out that my soil is basically coco in a bag rather than in a brick that you have to soak. May now know what the issue with the leaf on my plant is. Thinking need some cal mag as I read that coco is bad for it and a deficiency usually shows in crinkly leaves. Not...