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  1. CaliSmokes

    What's it called?

  2. CaliSmokes

    Should I buy my helper a hooker?

    Damn, I'd tell him it's a hooker and let him get warmed up, you don't want to waste cash when he has, "performance issues".
  3. CaliSmokes

    Calis Forgotten Garden

    Well had to remove s shell from seed, fucked it up ;p. Looking retarded, but it's some. Bigworm so In culling it. Got the other garden going aswell. Hope everyone had a wonderful 420. I know I did.
  4. CaliSmokes

    I fucked up

    If you grow them correctly that will not happen, I've revegged plenty of times, never get stemmy airy buds, matter of fact, my reveg are some of my biggest monsters. You obviously are doing something wrong.
  5. CaliSmokes

    Are we just paying for overpriced water downed chemical compounds?

    I can buy Foxfarms has everything needed, works great, lasts forever. Definitely not watered down, too much will burn your plants to a crisp, which is barely any. I do organic as well, works great, lots of effort though. The problem I run into with organics is the amount you need when you grow...
  6. CaliSmokes

    I need some help friends.

    Your plants are fine, some tip burn is ok, soil looks prettt wet, make sure not to over water. Not sure how big that pot is but it might be getting close to needing a transplant transplant. If it's soil you're growing in I'd forget about the PH pen, you don't need it when it comes to soil.
  7. CaliSmokes

    I am not a n00b

    Lmao if you're going to come with a picture got to do better than that! It's 4/20 smoke some dooooopppee!
  8. CaliSmokes

    Happy 420

    Smoke em if you got em
  9. CaliSmokes

    Newbie grower needs help Discreetseeds Dcseedexchange the vault Sourpatchseeds Great Lake genetics
  10. CaliSmokes

    Have you seen holes like these in leafs before?

    Earwigs, Can't find them right now? They only come out at night.
  11. CaliSmokes

    Phone camera for checking tricomes and up close pics

    The same. Jewlers loupe on phone.
  12. CaliSmokes

    DIY sticky paper for gnats?

    Absolute pointless, sticky traps are where it's at.
  13. CaliSmokes

    Northern Lights seedling drooping. Slowed growth. Transplant Shock?

    Why'd you transplant such a small seedling? Don't over water and leave it be. Doesn't look happy.
  14. CaliSmokes

    Need to choose wich strains to run outdoors

    Pop all the beans like it's a taco party
  15. CaliSmokes

    Is Zika virus systemic, neem to treat?

    Dunk it in 5 gallons of milk of the breast.
  16. CaliSmokes

    Flowering day 41. I might fucked up I might not

    You need to be focusing on school and not growing tinfoil cannabis at 16. I doubt your parents approve of this, scrap this foolishness before you burn their house down ;)
  17. CaliSmokes

    Weird Bug Cant Identify.

    Most likely the nymphs the wind/fan works but they will keep coming back and multiple on their own ! One can give birth to 3-5 and those three to five will do the same thing. I'd get some actual spray on the plants asap ! They will destroy a seedling. Hell most bugs will !
  18. CaliSmokes

    Flowering day 41. I might fucked up I might not

    Man are those are incandescent lights? Or is it a 2700 to 3500k cfl warm light? You definitely need a lot more than those.
  19. CaliSmokes

    Flowering day 41. I might fucked up I might not

    Id pop some more seeds for a fresh start but wouldn't kill it, I doubt you're actually at 7 weeks, let it go another 2-3 weeks, try to get more light. If it hasn't plumped up by then it most likely won't. Make sure you don't have any light leaks as well, I'd go ahead and remove that foil too if...
  20. CaliSmokes

    Does my plant look ok? First timer.

    Looking good, may be a little hot in there, got any air circulation? Also the soil may be a bit hot. Did you happen to top the plant ?