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  1. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    Would this work?
  2. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    So it is a powder?
  3. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    Good question, I have my spare room sealed off but your point is valid. I am hoping to get some good recommendations here.
  4. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    what citric acid spray do you use?
  5. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    I will check them, they look healthy
  6. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    I have a few house plants in the living room but that is it.
  7. M

    Regroup after two-spotted mites

    I have a 4x2 grow tent in my spare room, wood floors and no drapes just blinds. I lost the battle with the mites after using Pyrethrum TR and Crop Control regiment. I'm going to vacuum and clean tent with bleach wipes and spray Doktor Doom, wait two weeks and repeat. Should I try a fogger...
  8. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    If it is an infestation/pests how do I treat it? I have been looking under leaves but I don't see anything but my eyes aren't the greatest. Thanks
  9. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    Thanks for your help!:weed:
  10. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    This is the stuff I ordered and I did see a black gnat. I let the topsoil dry and have a sticky card in there
  11. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    The lower leaves seem ok, the only thing I have added is worm castings and been watering with a low dose of recharge
  12. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    I've been scoping for bugs but haven't seen any. I keep checking under leaves. I am going to go check the soil closely to see if I notice anything.
  13. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    They are in soil, FFOF. I'm using filtered water so I just ordered some Cal Mag hoping that will correct the problem. It's my first grow so I am trying to figure it out as I go.
  14. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    Another plant
  15. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    you are correct, I noticed after I put my glasses on. :eyesmoke:
  16. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    yes still in veg, thanks for your help!
  17. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    Thanks, Last weekend I transferred them from 3gal to 10 gal grow bags. The 3 gal had recipe 420 and when i moved them to 10 gal I filled with FFOF. I watered them with weak solution of recharge.
  18. M

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    This is two separate plants even though they look identical. I have been looking at pics and reading the Bible but not enough experience to tell the difference. Any thought? Thanks!
  19. M

    1st Grow

    Thanks bro, trying like hell to get this first grow right
  20. M

    1st Grow

    trying to raise humidity and temp so I shut of biggest fan