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  1. W

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    Will this work for my own on my t6 and s6
  2. W

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    got a question how can I control more. I have multiple tents and AC Infinity cloudline 2 t6 and 5 t4 how can I control say even 4 of them this is what I have to work with I googled 4 or 5 different hookups yours,ledge,stud,and Cple other. I have all the MOSFETs 5 to 36v all the esp32s. Pwm to...
  3. W

    How I hooked up PWM singals to ACInfinity Cloudline T6 and Hyperfan 8" from an Open source Software

    got a question how can I control more. I have multiple tents and AC Infinity cloudline 2 t6 and 5 t4 how can I control say even 4 of them this is what I have to work with I googled 4 or 5 different hookups yours,ledge,stud,and Cple other. I have all the MOSFETs 5 to 36v all the esp32s. Pwm to...
  4. W

    Idiots guide to getting an esp32 to control AC Infinity Cloudline EC fans esphome/HA

    I ordered this someone said I could output 10volts for the ac infinity t6s
  5. W

    Idiots guide to getting an esp32 to control AC Infinity Cloudline EC fans esphome/HA

    KEYESTUDIO Mega Plus 2560 R3 Board for Arduino with Type-C USB Cable, 1.5A Output, More Powerful MCU Contoller Board
  6. W

    Idiots guide to getting an esp32 to control AC Infinity Cloudline EC fans esphome/HA

    I got a question how can I control more. I have multiple tents and AC Infinity cloudline 2 t6 and 5 t4 how can I control say even 4 of them this is what I have to work with I googled 4 or 5 different hookups yours,ledge,stud,and Cple other. I have all the MOSFETs 5 to 36v all the esp32s. Pwm to...