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  1. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    Transplanted the WW and I think she’s accepting it quite well. Soil: 3:1 HF:OF (Fox Farms) Medium: 4:1 Soil: Perlite I watered her with a very much diluted Kangaroots Root Drench (30% recommended strength). Things seem to be moving. Will add another SF1000 to the tent in the next week.
  2. mastadj19

    Help with Adding on Lights

    Hello all! Just started a new grow after some time away. I invested in a 2x4x5 AC Infinity tent along with a carbon filter and inline fan set up (6 inches). I opted to buy a spider farmer SF1000 but quickly am realizing I will need more as I’m planning on doing 2 plants at a time maybe 3. With...
  3. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    Germinated and planted two Orange Sherbets. One of them is going to a friend so I’ll have a total of 3 plants. I know I’m going to need to add more lights. My question for any followers is more geared towards advice on my best options. I have a 2x4x5 and plan on 2-3 plants at a time. Going to...
  4. mastadj19

    Yellowing on first set of real leaves

    This is from today. It looks like it’s making a recovery 24 hours later. Let me know what you think
  5. mastadj19

    Yellowing on first set of real leaves

    They are about 22” above the seedlings. I have a temp gauge in there and It didn’t get above 74 deg close to the seedlings. If I should move it further away I will.
  6. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    GSC showing signs of recovery. Wonder if even the HF from fox farms is a little too hot for her. Anywho, WW looks good and is shooting it’s leaves out. I understand I messed up on not putting them in final container. That’s something I will do from now on. Any advice on transplanting what I...
  7. mastadj19

    Yellowing on first set of real leaves

    Knowing the transplanting thing now, should I go ahead and transplant now or wait til roots have grown a little more so they are more sturdy
  8. mastadj19

    Yellowing on first set of real leaves

    Hello all! First attempt at growing in about 11 years or so. I have two girls just sprouting above the surface. White Widow and Girl Scout Cookies, Both Auto. Growing in a 2x4x5 tent with SF1000 light. I do have a Carbon Filter hooked up to an inline fan. The girls are in solo cups filled with...
  9. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    The adventure begins! I obtained beans in the mail just about 1.5 weeks ago, germinated via paper towel method and currently sitting in solo cups filled with straight FF happy frog soil. Here are pics of everything set up and the girls so far. I upped the ducting, filter, and fan all to 6”. Auto...
  10. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    The only reasons I wasn’t too worried about the height was due to the fact that they are all Autoflowers hopefully won’t get that high and I was definitely planning on LSTing the girls for sure. I opted for 5 gal pot as research I did shown higher yields. Maybe to experiment I’ll do one of...
  11. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    Oh and since I’m waiting on those beans, I attempted to germinate 5 seeds I’ve accumulated in bags over since 2015. 3 seem to want to try and give it a go! Surprised since they all have to be about 3-5 years old
  12. mastadj19

    11 Years Later and Back At It! DJs Indoor Tent Grow

    Hello All, It has been quite some time since I’ve posted here... almost 11years later to be exact. Many of you helped me out when I attempted a stealth Autoflower grow in my closet while I was a senior in HS. Just a bunch of CFLs, a fan, and we were off. I learned a lot, had a fun of fun, and...
  13. mastadj19

    Female or Male?!

    I have been looking and it seems like an HID is out of my price range. I did find a reasonably priced 250 W CFL kit with hood and hanger. How well would this, along with using the lights I have now for side lighting, work? I mean it is only one plant that is around 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall. Share...
  14. mastadj19

    Female or Male?!

    I know... I know... I spent no money what so ever on this project. It was just kinda to see what happens from a bag seed. Those are 6 CFL's that are soft white (2700K i believe) which I read was the right kind for flowering. I know they are not ideal at all but its what I have. If I were to buy...
  15. mastadj19

    Female or Male?!

    I have been growing with the setup shown below since the beginning of December. Started in a red solo cup and then moved to a orange juice container cut in half... I know it is completely not the best way to do it but it has worked out well so far. I started flowering about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I am...
  16. mastadj19

    Help Diagnose My Two Babies!

    I would edit my last post but for some reason it is not working... I will take back what I said about the root bound. I think I will repot into 2 Liter bottles for the time being. See if this can help them girls (hopefully) get healthy again!
  17. mastadj19

    Help Diagnose My Two Babies!

    Yeah I honestly figured that would have done it. It was a mistake so I take full responsibility. And I know they cannot be root bound yet as it has been only about 1 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks. Also, the growth hasn't been stunted at all. It just seems as if they are curling down and inward...Ive seen...
  18. mastadj19

    Help Diagnose My Two Babies!

    Hello All - This is my 2nd grow. It is a very simple grow with just about 5-6 cfl 100W equivalents. Two Sour Diesel Plants were started out of red solo cups. They seem to be doing OK but have signs of either over watering, high nutes, or pH problems. I can't seem to figure it out so before I do...
  19. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    Here are some pics!
  20. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    Harvest day will either be today or tomorrow! :D