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  1. JKp

    what is wrong with my plant

    i saw one of my branches wilting while all others were doing just fine, and it was kind of rotting? or something at the base of the branch. pulled it off very easily, and idk what it is and if it could spread or something, and if so what should i do
  2. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    thanks for the read up, i did find out a lean to or anything of that sort would be a pain to do seeing as theyll still grow and idk how big exactly it would have to be, so still thinking about the shed as a possible speed up for flowering. and about the strain, i specifically chose a full bred...
  3. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    yeh true but even then it's no where near november, if it takes that long i won't ve having a great harvest this year
  4. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    yeh something like that, ill guess ill just make my shed light proof and roll em in there, seems to be the easiest way
  5. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    they're indica's, i doubt they'll flower for 12 weeks mate
  6. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    doesnt have to be tho, imma force flower them somehow
  7. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    oh oke thats great, but it could still be kinda late seeing as in october the weather here gets very shitty and i'd need them down end of september or so
  8. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    yeh i do but its pretty small and i cant turn it off, so i moved my plants a lill bit farther from it. ill see if i can do something about it tho, thanks
  9. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    yeh but idk how that would work and if i could make it 100% lightproof, ill see today what materials i can get and if the shed wouldn't be easier
  10. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    thanks, i was wondering if it had to be exactly 12 or not, but even then rt now i got like 8.5 hours of darkness so am worried if i let em go on their own they'll finish way too late
  11. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    wym, like a light source close to them or?..
  12. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    im in the Netherlands, first time growing photo's but from i understand they need 12 hours of darkness, and that would be at the end of september here, which would be way to late cause of weather
  13. JKp

    how to force flower outdoor plants?

    so i've got 2 pretty big plants outdoors in 15 gallon pots and i need to make them flower asap, seen how i'm already pretty late and weather could get nasty here soon. i got a shed nearby but moving them in and out all the time would get pretty annoying after a couple of weeks. would covering...
  14. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    yeh i know that but i just found the comparion weird, i also know i fked up by not watering daily but tbh i'm busy a lot of the times so this just seemed to work better for me. i'll deff do it the proper way next time around
  15. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    yeh sure but my strain is known to stay small, and seeing how it grew at a steady rate and filled up the entire 5 gallon, id say it's doing oke so far
  16. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    hm yeh i probably got some shit advice then, it seemed pretty solid and logical to me as i swapped to coco just before this grow and didn't put that much time into research
  17. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    oh well, this is my second time growing and i grew last year in soil, so i tried to stick to that same routine as much as possible. ill keep it in mind for next year as im sure ill grow again. kinda bummed out cause i thought they were growing really well, since i saw growth every day. are they...
  18. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    saying they'll grow regardless of genetics is straight up wrong, im guessing you know sativa's grow way taller than indica's, and seeing how my strain only grows to like 100 cm and its already 75ish, i would say is pretty good. and you comparing your own hybrid indoor plants to outdoor plants in...
  19. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    hm yeh i read it's best to feed em daily but mine where still moist the day after, so i started doing it every other day and they seemed to grow nicely. i felt like if i did it daily anyway they would get stunted right? especially since i asked it earlier this season on another forum and i...
  20. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    and yeh no shit you'rs are bigger as mine did not even start to flower, they'll double in size so i won't be that far off