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  1. Corey

    MY seedlings Tips are going yellow, I have pictures

    Ok so heres what I did, I turned of the heater and fan, with doing that now Im able to fully close in the lights and plants, witch keeps the temp at 70 F with the heating pad, I also have a humidifier now outside of the box connected to 6 inch hose blowing inside the box. So im sure there...
  2. Corey

    MY seedlings Tips are going yellow, I have pictures

    yea my humidity is really low like 20 40%
  3. Corey

    I Think My Plant Is Dying!! Help!!!

    You need pictures
  4. Corey

    yellowing please help

    Whats your temp, Kinda looks like there over heating
  5. Corey

    Yellowing Lower leaves at 5 weeks flowering

    yea what oddjob said
  6. Corey

    Help!!! Problem with plants

    yea thats not mites.. you should use a camcorder and record your plants over night lol.
  7. Corey

    MY seedlings Tips are going yellow, I have pictures

    The Instructions say 3 ml per litre for seedlings and 5 ml for full growth
  8. Corey

    anyone knows about heat stress?

    I think I might have this same problem but with seedlings take a look at my pics
  9. Corey

    So dissappointed......

    yea keep growing them. Chop the one thats not a bad idea, then you can compare them. and what you only got a week or 2 left right?
  10. Corey

    Leaf problems - yellow & rusty spots older leaves dying

    wow that looks like mites but you say its not. Are you sure you looked really really close underneath the leafs, im sure you did but just in case :)
  11. Corey

    So dissappointed......

    Shit that sucks! Must of bine the light leak, I was going to say crop now so you get more bud vs seeds but yea entropic is right the seeds are already there, you might as well grow it out and get good seeds, but on the other hand you could just crop now and get some smoke out of it, and maybe a...
  12. Corey

    MY seedlings Tips are going yellow, I have pictures

    Hey, my 2 half week old seedlings tips are going yellow, The plant food I'm using is Part1,, 1-2-5 and Part2,, 2-0-0 Ill take a pic of the ingredients, my ph levels are always at 6.4 to 6.6. Light cycle is 22/2, I'm using 4 fluorescent bulbs 2 cool 2 warm, My soil mix is just a store brand Pro...
  13. Corey

    Dumb ass dog ate plants

    Yea they will live, just gonna stunt them for a bit, but in the long run there just gonna be stronger. Its funny my dog did that to the first plant I ever grew and its the one on my av pic, and i got nice buds of that. That pic is only about 4 weeks into flowering. cheers
  14. Corey

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    180$ here in Canada A
  15. Corey

    Guess my

    31.5 grames
  16. Corey

    fluorescent bulbs

    Ok I have a question about fluorescent bulbs Im trying to find out witch type of bulb I should use for veg stage, I hear using cool white and worm white together is best. but I also hear Full spectrum are good for veg. Also in the hardware stores I see plant and aquarium bulbs are these good...
  17. Corey

    temp control

    Ok I have my seedlings growing in my basment closet, with a large heating pad , and 4 flo bulbs 2 cool white, 2 warm white, and the temp is about 72 F , 22 C witch is good but now that im ready to turn the fan on the temp drops to 64 F, 18 C witch is kinda cooled, how should I get the temp up?