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  1. Riggles

    Unhealthy Mother plants

    I had a fungus gnat infestation that decimated my mother room.. took the cuttings anyways and I see the same damage the mother's had... Presumably, the gnat larvae destroyed the roots and forces multiple deficiencies... Thanks for helping
  2. Riggles

    Unhealthy Mother plants

    Will an unhealthy Mother plant carry over its deficiencies to the cuttings?
  3. Riggles

    Not sure what this is... I didn't mean to make two threads.. idk how to delete it

    Ya, long gone. But took cuttings off the mother when it wasn't exactly looking beautiful
  4. Riggles

    Not sure what this is... I didn't mean to make two threads.. idk how to delete it

    Do you think that a mother plant with a fungus gnat infestation would affect all the cuttings by way of deficiency?
  5. Riggles

    Not sure what this is... I didn't mean to make two threads.. idk how to delete it

    Inc I use RO water and I run a calibrated blulabs ph meter. I feed daily with those . In flower I will feed twice a day. Mars Hydro sp250 x5 in a 5x10 space. I also run a peroxide in my tank I have green plant CaMg and my Ec is 1.7
  6. Riggles


    I don't I'm not at that grow until tomorrow, I'll post some then... From what I saw coming out the bottom they looked pretty white and happy..
  7. Riggles


    That is completely beyond my realm of comprehension. A lock out could only be attributed to the mother plant having nutrient issues that I didn't catch? Idk
  8. Riggles

    Not sure what this is... I didn't mean to make two threads.. idk how to delete it

    So I've tried everything... fucking fuck this shit.. Pure Michigan by TP Running floraflex nutrients and usually manifolds..but covid lockdown in Ontario has fucked me for buying new PVC parts.. so fuck that.. Ph at 5.5 growing in coco Run off is 6.0 Adding cal mag.. even sprayed them with...
  9. Riggles


    So I've tried everything... fucking fuck this shit.. Pure Michigan by TP Running floraflex nutrients and usually manifolds..but covid lockdown in Ontario has fucked me for buying new PVC parts.. so fuck that.. Ph at 5.5 growing in coco Run off is 6.0 Adding CaMg.. even sprayed them with Epson...
  10. Riggles

    Pro mix

    this is great thank you so much.
  11. Riggles

    Pro mix

    Looking for the pro mix growers out here.. starting a grow using it.. just had a few questions what’s the ideal ph For promix ideal form of water (tap etc) ideal feeding schedules for veg and flower ideal nutes ..benefit to organics? should the medium always be wet? is it appropriate to water...
  12. Riggles

    Left the window open last night

    just gave them a spritz. Thanks for advice ! I’ll update with results
  13. Riggles

    Left the window open last night

    Photos and too cold was blowing in Canadian cool for about an hour (0 Celsius )
  14. Riggles

    Left the window open last night

    Andddd this.. my question.. can this recover?
  15. Riggles

    No sir, I’m jsut a regular chef.. but learning .. I have a solid canna butter lol

    No sir, I’m jsut a regular chef.. but learning .. I have a solid canna butter lol
  16. Riggles

    Best seed supplier with acmpr

    I chose Jordan of the islands..after doing some research .. but I was more curious to see what the government expects us to grow ... or how the lps strains grow... I can get seeds lol l. more of an experiment..
  17. Riggles

    Rock wool starters

    I keep getting slow stunted tiny leaf development with rock wool.. it’s like the roots arent taking hold... I’ve been soaking them in 5.5 low nutrient solution.. not watering them.. ona heat dome.. what causes this?
  18. Riggles


    I threw one on and cropped onto it .. kinda like a guide. These smell like juicy fruit..cant wait to see how they turn out . Thank you! It’s hard for 6”4 me to slide under there lol so i make sure I get it Done in one shot haha
  19. Riggles


    The deed is done .. thanks for the advice fellas. hope to one day have the knowledge to reciprocate. cheers
  20. Riggles


    I stopped tucking at the stretch .. ran out of netting