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  1. Riggles


    Also.. is this gonna still produce a massive cola is gonna force all the cola parts ton grow Vertical on the newly formed horizontal branch? I was hoping to turn this into an ego cola
  2. Riggles


    should I throw another net down as well?
  3. Riggles


    This girl decided to establish dominance I guess lol Week 4 of budding ... Pineapple Express #2 canuk seeds genetics.. i feel like supercropping now is gonna stunt it .. and it’s not a great time for this..yes ..i shoudla caught it earlier but I was away for 4 days during the stretch.. this is...
  4. Riggles

    Best seed supplier with acmpr

    Yea was hoping to get ahold of their genetics.. tweed or whatever .. not sure where to get good strains here in Canada
  5. Riggles

    Is this common?

    Common lmao
  6. Riggles

    Best seed supplier with acmpr

    i have the list of approved vendors, would i just email them for a price list?. It’s not on the websites.. kinda confusing
  7. Riggles

    Is this common?

    Ohhhhh gotcha very cool!,
  8. Riggles

    Is this common?

    i agreed.. i like the idea of giving it individual nutrients at the appropriate times ..the prepare systems optimize that ..or claim to lol.. I think raw nutrients schedule and product line is as close to commercial style growing as youll get for home growing..using starter nutrients etc.. idk...
  9. Riggles

    Is this common?

    yea they like to sell the systems.. I’m trying to get to the level where I feed it what it only what it needs.. which is why Im leaning toward the raw line
  10. Riggles

    Is this common?

    Pineappleexpresss #2 Canuk seeds Using a local brand called Dutch nutrient (fam discount plus they refill for like 1/3 of the price .. great system
  11. Riggles

    Is this common?

    Oh man it’s been a weird grow.. you’re right though.. I’ve dialed her back...had some learns this grow
  12. Riggles

    Is this common?

    goes right to the base like this this a result of a sloppy fim? If that exists lol it’s growing a. Weird mutant dub cola ?
  13. Riggles

    Light burn?

    im still not sure of what the problem was/is exactly.. I just added essential minerals and beefed up the feedings a bit.. I think the buds are growing nicely.. not sure ..first time growing this strain’s a learning process that’s for sure .
  14. Riggles

    Light burn?

    Update.. any suggestions on how to correct the un canopy?
  15. Riggles

    Light burn?

    well.. they are getting massive, ill attach pics soon. they all seem to still have the yellowing.. New growth is looking much better. they are on their 3rd week of budding now.. very exciting... my canopy is completely full!
  16. Riggles

    Light burn?

    Update... soooo I’ve done nothing. .. like at all after i flushed with 6.5ph I let them dry out ... now I’m gonna hit it with a normal feeding.. turns out I had cal plus.. so I’ll use that.. They seem to be growing at a normal rate still
  17. Riggles

    Light burn?

    Oh cool. I didn’t even know About that product. I’m gonna buy some regardless.. the girls are still growing quite well.. just., I can’t walk past them with out freaking out inside lol. thank you for the help.. I’ll keep this updated,. Hopefully with solid green leaves ffs lol
  18. Riggles

    Light burn?

    Thank you so much for the help. I’ve done some research and I think it is indeed a ph issue. I’m fighting the urge to start feeding and flushing.. lol.. I’m gonna let it dry up a bit then give it a good watering at 6.5.. see how it responds to that.
  19. Riggles

    Light burn?

    Tap water