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  1. T

    Whens the right time

    My clones just came back from the dead after having shock them under LED lights I put them outside in the sun and they poped right up. Soooo when do I move these clones back under???
  2. T


    The fourth rose up!!!!! Now should I wait a couple days to re introduce them to the indoor leds or keep them out side??
  3. T


    Three of the four fallen rose up✊✊✊ I'm leaving it all up to the elements at this pointlet me know if u want updated photos
  4. T


    I'm putting my dead clones under hid out bc led was to intense. Let's see if they make a comeback✊
  5. T

    24/7 photos

    Thanks broski. Three of my clones just wilted over bc of the light intensity so I moved them out side hopefully they'll live.
  6. T

    24/7 photos

    I've been running autos 24/7 LED is it okay to do the same with photos? Up until flower time of course thanks
  7. T

    Clones under full spectrum

    Thanks broski✊
  8. T

    Clones under full spectrum

    I recently brought some clones home and threw them right under the full spectrum lighting and they wilted instantly I'm guessing it was too much intense light for them to start off with so young I switched back on to veg mode and they seem to be doing okay... Anyone have similar issues??✊