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  1. kotobide

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    How does the mail in work on their website do you just get the info when finishing up an order in the cart for address etc?
  2. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    You ever start that megacrop grow?
  3. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    More than likely Big perm
  4. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

  5. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    That desperation its just sad watching it post replies
  6. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    Just because a function exists in the forums software doesn't mean now suddenly everyones a victim. This is conspiracy crap spread by scammie to create diversion to siphon traffic to his new direct marketing forums.
  7. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    I wasn't talking about it being hybrids site its the delusional professional victim Cameron's site. It's his personal safe space for him and his lapdogs to circle jerk in a hugbox.
  8. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    The guy is so desperate for attention hes created his own shill forums that's hilarious.
  9. kotobide

    Tasty LED Closeout and etc.

    Sorry to see a good vendor leave its been a tough market with cut throat pricing on mid powered smd lights and scam artists trying to peddle old outdated tech.
  10. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    rab.c was in breach of an agreement based on the fans on her fixture being as loud as a hair dryer so he didn't want to grow with them. This is not a police matter its civil he broke a contract he didn't walk out of a store with her shit. Calling the police would do nothing in this situation...
  11. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    I don't think you get it dude when someone threatens a grower to call the cops on them they are like garbage here nobody who grows would support some scumbag narc regardless of the products they sell. I know you frequent the forums on icmag so stop acting like you don't know whats happening here...
  12. kotobide

    Epstein Commits Suicide.

    He also had a lovely painting of Clinton
  13. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    I agree Perm is like fucking Switzerland in this drama hes just offering a place to buy some lights and Perm doesn't = scammie in my book.
  14. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    When some dude threatens to call the cops on a grower on a growers forums there is a reason to be concerned about whom you do business with. Rabc might have broken an agreement and kept a light but its a civil matter not a criminal one so when Cameron claims hes calling the cops the only reason...
  15. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    lol yeah ive never used it. I use general hydroponics ph down though i do know some people that swear by it
  16. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    Not that i was replying to your ignorant ass "try also vitamin C or ascorbic acid, beside it will lower your PH vitamin C will open stomataes of leafes few hundred percent more and then your plant will breath more easily"
  17. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

    My experience using ascorbic acid when i was waiting on my ph down to get shipped was shit it may drop the ph long enough to test correct but it swings wildly and wont remain stable for long and creates lockouts you need something more stable hell even battery acid(sulfuric acid) has more...
  18. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side

  19. kotobide


    you say that like its a bad thing :)
  20. kotobide

    HLG vs HGL Side By Side Take 2

    I grow in coco and had some mag issues with megacrop on the original formulation which was easily fixed with some epsom salts. On my last run i used the new formulation of megacrop and didn't have these problems i used some epsom from the get go out of habit but stopped a week into flower and i...