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  1. H

    This bud rot?

    Hey all just wondering if you guys think this could be the start of bud rot or just light burn? Iv kept the humidity fairly low and a fan blowing above the tops of the plants, i will admit this one particular bud did get within 8 or so inches of the light because this plant decided to grow...
  2. H

    Adding a light

    Very good thanks!
  3. H

    Adding a light

    Even in the final weeks of flowering? Im basing my question off something i read on google where they say around week 6 buds kind of stop growing and focus more on fattening and maturing so just was curious if another 150w would help them get more dense thanks and yea i can get rid of the heat...
  4. H

    Adding a light

    Hey all so iv been flowering 4 green crack plants under a 400w hps i just finished week 6 and buds are looking not to bad but still seem slightly airy, i have another 150w hps just wondering if throwing that in for the last 3 - 4 weeks will help with anything thanks
  5. H

    What do i do?

    Its the only 1 out of 4 that is doing it...maybe just a runt?
  6. H

    What do i do?

    You bet ill take some pics tonight when my lights are supposed to come back on, the thing is clawed bad but the leaves are still green, slighlty darker, which leaves me to believe its not nitrient lock out...but i could be wrong, however iv been keeping my ph between 6 and 7so im lost
  7. H

    What should i do?

    Ill give that a go with a really small bit the pots do have drainage but have clip on catch trays on the bottom so that could also be starving them of oxygen
  8. H

    What should i do?

    But the others are doing well from what i can see
  9. H

    What should i do?

    Yea i was thinkin coco for the next grow as iv been reading, it seems to be what alot more people are using, i just wanna get through the next 3 or 4 weeks without anything else fuckin up on me and then im doin an overhaul on my operation includong a new tent, thing has light leaks like a...
  10. H

    What should i do?

    Thanks for the tip, its my first time growing i have cleaned them out several times, but didnt realize how much of a detriment it was.
  11. H

    What should i do?

    Lol alright ill try n keep her alive iv only been watering every 3 days anyways,
  12. H

    What should i do?

    Well it does have perlite i just dont thinks its 30%
  13. H

    What do i do?

    So basically i have this one plant... that has been a stubborn mule since day one its stretched, its an asshole i flush it i baby it and try everything and she just has a miserable existence im scared of it going hermie on me im 5 1/2 weeks in and all 4 are green crack should i chop it or let it...
  14. H

    What should i do?

    So basically i have this one plant... that has been a stubborn mule since day one its stretched, its an asshole i flush it i baby it and try everything and she just has a miserable existence im scared of it going hermie on me im 5 1/2 weeks in and all 4 are green crack should i chop it or let it...