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  1. tokalotapot

    banana's = more females

    if you read and understand seeds they are not predetermined sex buddy and certain thing might just do it better then you think
  2. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    see it shaved time off just like i said but at a different rate as might be combined with my other stuff i do and i completely agree i never seen it before i was honestly jaw dropped because of it(because your supposed to get more yield not shorter flower techincally because it does give you the...
  3. tokalotapot

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    its debatable you see from what i prefer is reg seeds if you are creating a new strain but i like female seeds also as for say pyramid seeds Tutenkhamen for some reason it registers at only 22% for regular seeds but 33% for feminised seeds and achieed that in 2011 spanabis cup. so i naturaly had...
  4. tokalotapot

    banana's = more females

    plants are pure chemistry and if a special blend of the right conditions the seeds will have better chances of female but not 100% ever but an interesting read i had for the day GO BANANAS
  5. tokalotapot

    banana's = more females

    HOW TO ALTER THE PERCENTAGE OF FEMALES From literature it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. For growers who are well experienced, percentage of female plants is 60%...
  6. tokalotapot

    banana's = more females

    Here are a couple of passages from Marijuana Horticulture. The first piece can be found in the fifth edition of the book, the second piece will appear in the update of the book. Environmental factors that influence sex determination of cannabis start the moment seedlings have three pairs of...
  7. tokalotapot

    banana's = more females

    its hard for people to understand pure science will read uppon myself and check it out because i have my own regular seeds diesel,g13,hashplant will try on if the info is interesting enough because i like new shit :)
  8. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    g13 haze coss is now a 45 day not quite 8 weeks but 7and 1/2 now same as liberty haze
  9. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    smart follow if not sure i always do that learning curve off of someone elses experience i done it many times smart people do it like that im in an undocumented grow about twelve days in but after its done ill have a beginning to end journal of it for ya yo check out its interesting stuff
  10. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    your info in this post is pigheaded you came at me but you dont understand what your saying do you PHOTOCHROME or is it PHYTOCHROME i thought so learn how to be effective in your statements accuracy is a must so i broke it down more than my jibberish here for you because we are human it can be...
  11. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    this is it only this and mango kush did in 31 36 and 38 pending on harvest and it is normally a 50-57 day plant i find i drop a good 10 days -14 days per harvest which i know is useful and extra full grow a year maybe two overall
  12. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    The Pr form: Absorbs at a peak of 666 nm Is the form synthesized in dark-grown seedlings. When Pr absorbs red light, it is converted to the Pfr form. The Pfr form: Absorbs at a peak of 730 nm The Pfr form is the active form that initiates biological responses When Pfr absorbs far red light...
  13. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    my next flavor up will be blue dream as the strain and it will be done 42-47 days
  14. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    photosynthetic far red is PFR which is the light range described (phytochrome) The phytochrome molecule is the photoreceptor for red light responses. It exists in two forms, Pr and Pfr: i know my shit my knowledge is vast even though im newish here ive been around the block for quite a...
  15. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    no you didnt you must of half assed it by not setting up right, 730 diodes is not perfect with the range and if not then you wont get the effects at all check the diode info on how accurate they are and also check how far the pfr-fr swap for red actually happens not just 730 i like your cute...
  16. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    enough with that dumb shit though words wont change ignorance so in like 6 weeks i should be done with my flower and then i can document from begiining flower to the end cut day guaranteed no more then 48 and my mango no more than 38 followers beware i may just be right on this :)
  17. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    i thought dr. who ok but instead of trying to dig for knowledge that i have instead he tried to burn me but i am 100% correct on the flowering times on my girls
  18. tokalotapot

    liberty haze 65 days flowering under 130w led

    oh i use 740nm because diodes are not perfect they have a 10nm swing in either direction and the swap happens to occur in the 730-750nm range more than 720 -740nm range i checked it out so i covered the obvious with 740 if you use 730nm it may be only 720nm and it wont work as good i bet...