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  1. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    Just had a good look at the plant and you may be right about deformity it resembles a leaf tip from one side. From the other side it looks like a single nanner but it's too small to tell.
  2. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    When zoomed into the picture it does look like nanners tbh or the start of a leaf perhaps but if it actually is nanners popping out then I gotta be careful. Will be strict and will check growth every few hours because it was just a ball last night and this morning 6hrs later something is...
  3. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    I'm in the UK so outside isn't an option really, I was planning on flipping in a few days to a week anyway so I can do that to see if there isn't a change in what I'm seeing now. Yh bro the beanz were advertised as feminised.
  4. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    Nah m8 I can't incase it's a ladyboy That's how ppl lose crops and get nothing but seeds. I have other plants I can't risk so pollen will not be or never be in my grow room if I can help it.
  5. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    Yes I know m8 ,,that's why I'm wanting to see if anyone can tell me it's it's a male preflower. Its only just shown as its only just over 3wks old.
  6. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    Thanks for popping in bro, it's the only pre flower that's big enough to look at right now so can't provide better or anything else for a day or two. Was feminised seed so if it's a Hermie it might still look like female with crossed stipules will it not? Didn't actually know that was a female...
  7. 29menace

    Is this a Hermie

    Barney's Farm's Gorilla Zkittlez Says it all really and probably should have stayed away from them. I've had Hermies before and I think they started like this but was that long ago I can't remember. Can someone jump in have a look and let me know please. Thanks
  8. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    No worries and thanks bro. Yh I'm always checking the numbers coz ive had a few mess ups over the years and I'm still not comfortable leaving things for too long. I don't adjust or tinker , I just check numbers and write everything down so I can look back if something pops it's head up.
  9. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    It is still darker which is good lol
  10. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    Last pics were yesterday guys these ones are today's. Im not sure, it's starting to droop again a little.
  11. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    Today's pics.. There was a noticeable difference within a few hours of upping the feed and ph , leaves stood up nice and colour started returning.
  12. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    Following our little chat I upped both the Ph and the Ec.. pH from 5.9 to 6.3 EC from 1.00 to 1.25 Within the last couple hours the colour has started to come back a little bit and the leaves are now sitting pretty and straight instead of droopy and all slumped. The solution here might have...
  13. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    I agree too that it's not the best advice ,that's why I check mine daily and set it to 6.0 at Res change. They pretty much say throw your pH pen away but I don't trust it and won't be doing so lol. Will go and bump it up a little since I ain't doing jack right now and will update the thread in...
  14. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    Thanks for stopping by ice , with adv nutes I've always ph'd even though they say you don't have to. They said to me in an email that with connisior aslong as the pH is in the range of 4.4 and 8.4 the plant will have everything available to it. I might just try your theory out tho for a few...
  15. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    I'm not saying your wrong here but that could kill it,, what if it's limit is half of what you just said. Just saying because I don't wanna burn it.
  16. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    If I've missed anything out let me know please.
  17. 29menace

    Sick little lemon cake

    Hey guys , back for a little help if possible. I got Lemon Cake & Gorilla Zkittles on the go atm and the lemon isn't 100% and I'm wondering if some of you can possibly point me in the right direction as to what I should do because I'm actually stumped. Present day = day 24 of Veg Strain =...
  18. 29menace

    Foliage yellowing, curly and withered on day 8 of seedlings

    You've fed these haven't you. They all look burnt
  19. 29menace

    Need help please

    I'm not too sure on what you want identifying bro, only problem I see at a quick glance is you've fed one way too much and burnt it.. Just because you have the same strain doesn't mean they will grow the same , clones yes but not seeds as there are or could be lots of different pheno's. The...
  20. 29menace

    Seedling Issues

    No problem bro n yh with Ro that's quite high for seedlings , I'd say 4x a day is fine but I haven't run flood and drain so can't properly comment on that. If you have any worries about it just reduce to 3x but keep an eye out for the medium drying out too much.