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  1. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    thanx twisted, Clark ???
  2. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    slightly bigger pots that I cut a couple holes in to let roots expand and as the picture shows its ample space for them to grow in. Its the only example I can find just now. Peace.
  3. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    hey MeanGene , i dont know how well it would work for a flowering plant on its own, i wouldnt count on it masking the smell coz its not that strong a scent tbh. Might mask a plant in veg. Im ordering my carbon n rvk 125 end of next week so smell wont be a problem. You will be fine for smell m8 ...
  4. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Hi Honda , I do agree that net pots are the proper way to go but I've done it this way countless times. I cut out a triangle between the 3pot holes so now theres room for the roots. I have pics somewhere I will try n post to show you very large plants in the exact same scenario. Massive root...
  5. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Also bought a small Ona Block , doesnt smell that nice tbh, kinda like a toilet block smell lol. It does work, had it opened all yesterday and it got rid of the smokey smell in my room after a few j's.
  6. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Managed to cut out the bottom of the pot between the holes so the roots can expand without restrictions. Here's a root pic.
  7. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Went out and bought this netting from my hydro shop, cost £10. Think I might try a scrog grow once she's big enough but will see how things go first.
  8. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Day 14 (veg) Ec 0.95 Ph 5.8
  9. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Still on day 13 of veg , and as promised here is a few pictures. ec still 0.94 , ppm still 601 , ph had risen to 6.1 overnight but 4-6 drops of ph down took it back to 5.7-5.8 Yesterday the roots were just visible in the holes on the bottom of the pot but today there sticking out about 1 inch...
  10. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Hi MeanGene , yeah it was strange m8 and the First time its ever happened to me. Normally I use rockwool cubes and there just like Coco (No Goodness) and use just tap water untill there big enough to handle weak nutes , so cant explain what went wrong as at that size it probably wouldn't have...
  11. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    So , getting back to the grow. Were on day 13 , ec still 0.94 , ppm's 601 and ph 5.9 she's on her 3rd set of leaves now , staying nice n squat under the 300w Cfl. Nice wide leaves n seems to be a slightly diff pheno than the last lot I grew from nirvanha. All in all shes a healthy lookin lady...
  12. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    this is the dodgy seller on Amazon guys , he receives payment but you don't get your stuff. He doesn't answer messages or emails,, its linked to but even there you don't get any messages back.
  13. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    My calculations might be wrong but I get Tap water equals 166 ppm , dwc ppm 601 so that means I'm feedind 435 ppm of nutrient. ? In total though its 601ppm
  14. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    As the superskunk liked the amount of feed I added 18 litres of tap water , and added 18ml A+B and 3ml cal mag. At that point I still didn't know ppm's or anything,, yesterday I bought an ec pen from the local hydro shop for £25 , and new ph pen just incase. My tap water comes out at an Ec of...
  15. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    I had to order 25litre buckets and make my own dwc bubblers, since my Widow died I only had to make one up this time round so wasn't that long before it was up n running. I bought a variable powered air pump ,double outlet with a 4" flat but round air stone. Works well for the price, £14 out my...
  16. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    white widow
  17. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Here is the picture of the Widow after she drooped , i tried holding her up but she was too far gone. Both seedlings were in Coco so I guess it will have been because they was no nutrition in there plus I was using r/o water. Couple of days later I noticed the SuperSkunk going pale and was...
  18. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Will post pics in a min peeps , just writing a lil bit in the journal. Thanx
  19. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Hi guys thanx for stoppin by,,, yeah was a nightmare compaired to a larger tent, probably because I couldnt really move much inside it lol. Thanx Chef , its taking time to get everything sorted for this grow but its getting there. All I need now is extractor ,filter , 600w hps and cooltube but...
  20. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Dwc buckets still havnt arrived but not to worry. Took pics yesterday but didnt get chance to upload anything so ive taken a few today that shows how fast these lil suckers grow. They were placed in the Coco only 4 days ago so these pics will show how much seedlings can grow in a short period...