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  1. 29menace

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    at the end of the day it can and does simplify things for alot of growers ,, we all know theres a hell of alot of ppl out there and in here that havnt really gota clue with what there doing so for them i believe buying there stuff would help , you dont even need to buy the whole range of...
  2. 29menace

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    mine buffers constantly @ 6.0 and it doesnt matter how much nutes or add-ons i use it still sets itself at 6.0
  3. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    your welcome TWS ,Thanx m8.. not that long till harvest , im noticing a hell of alot of brown hairs happening now ,, at first i thought pollenation but closer inspection of them all didnt reveal any signs of a hermie plus none of the smaller plants have "any" brown hairs. im thinking its gota...
  4. 29menace

    DirtyNerds Grow Journal

    1000w they'l need sunglasses lol. mine stretched due to me having my light set higher than id like but had taller ones in there so had to do it like that. im sure yours will be fine , you know what your doing and under the 1000w im pretty sure harvest wont be dissapointing either... take it...
  5. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    forgot to post a picture of the 16 jack herer's earlier. vast improvement in the last week and i dont know if its the system or if its bcoz the temps here are slightly higher now but this is the only system that the clones showed signs of flowering in less than 2 weeks.. these showed in about...
  6. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    thanx buddy its appreciated :)
  7. 29menace

    DirtyNerds Grow Journal

    hope everythings good now bro and congratulations all the way from wet ,windy, midge infested Scotland.. :) lovin your blue dream ,she looks amazing and your superskunk has filled out nicely too. will be good to see how they turn out , to see the differences in our skunks as well. My...
  8. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    some more pictures
  9. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    here are a few close-ups the first picture is my superskunk thats only a few weeks in flower.. the others are my jack herer all comments are welcome here..
  10. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    now here is some bud porn yesterday was 6 weeks into flowering
  11. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    led unit installed and switched on , here are a few pics
  12. 29menace

    i feel like a noob asking this lol

    right lol ive just set it up and switched it on ,,, on the light board theres red, blue and a couple yellow bulbs possibly some white but couldnt say coz it blinded me lol.. could this be a multi band unit.?? or do all led systems come with red,blue,yellow personaly bcoz i know nothing about...
  13. 29menace

    i feel like a noob asking this lol

    yeah keep it for nice setup m8 , looks fine to me. will add it anyway and see how it goes. thanx
  14. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    just a lil update... got my hands on a 300w grow led unit and im thinking about adding it to the flowering room tomorrow ,, not sure what its gona do (if anything) but will give it a bash.. its just a pity its not a dual spectrum or just the red spectrum unit.. ive heard mixing spectrums can...
  15. 29menace

    i feel like a noob asking this lol

    thanx m8 ,just noticed tho that its got "100pcs 3w grow led's" on the back of the unit so do you think its still worth firing in with the dual spectrum hps im using... i know the hps is just a fraction blue spectrum and mostly red so am i right in thinking that adding more blue in there wont...
  16. 29menace

    i feel like a noob asking this lol

    hi guys just one question for ya all im using a single 600w hps , can i add a 300w led unit to the flowering room and will it do ok alongside the sodium..??? usually i would just add another 600w hps but today i got given the led unit so just wana ask first incase im wasting my time adding...
  17. 29menace

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    i dnt really know what it is but all the way thru they have just wanted more n more nutes,,, i would try n hold the ppm's at 2000 but within a few days they all went that limey yellow look asif they were needin more so when i bumped it up 500 to 2500 they went back to being dark green... same...
  18. 29menace

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    hi guys ,,, i should say i dont change my tanks every week ,, sometimes because the tanks are that big i leave it 2-3 before changing but even then sometimes i just top up with water and add a lil bit at a time to correct my ppm's. for some ppl using large amounts of nutes isnt cost effective...
  19. 29menace

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    all without BURN,,, it is more than possible to feed at this level of ferts without killing your plants but only if you start high at the beginning when cloning... i believe clones should be kept at the same strength feed as the plants you took them from,, some dont and they treat them like...