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  1. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Light is just about 25" at the moment. 40% brightness to let them return to normal from when I over did it. Figured I'd try 50% for a couple hours tomorrow and see if they're braced for that yet. Only reason I jumped right into 18/6 instead of doing it slower over time was because I felt I was...
  2. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    I know right. Just a newbie looking for help, not aggressive criticism. It is what it is. Buncha other good folks majorly helped me out. The ladies are doing great now :D
  3. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Yup. I did both and they immediately responded well. By today they are all back to normal. 40% brightness and raised 12" :D
  4. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Nah, I was just trying to get really close for the pictures. Light was no more than 16-18" at the time I took the pictures.
  5. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Yeah, I might go ahead and take it down. I've actually read that a few places but a few other people argue it. I mean, it definitely makes sense. The entire bathroom is white besides the hardwood floor.
  6. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Using FoxFarms happy frog potting soil. Haven't introduced any nutes so far. Figured I'd step into that once I transplant them into their 5 gallon grow bags. I don't feel like I water them all that much. I have a large water bottle with a hole poked in the cap that I hit them with when I...
  7. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Bounces between 75-80 degrees. The lights put off a bit of heat. Humidity stays between 45-50%. The bathroom has a vent so the air conditioner pushes air in there and I keep the overhead vent on with the door cracked just for some relatively decent airflow. Not perfect by any means, but they...
  8. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    I really thought that it was over watering at first. However, I had been watering at the same consistency for quite awhile. I kind of ruled it out though when I woke up after the 1 day of using the grow lights and saw the wilting. The girls weren't praying up towards the grow lights like they...
  9. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Unfortunately, I didn't have an option except to do it that way. I really didn't want to. Definitely keeping an eye out for bugs. Cheers
  10. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    That was my first thought! Lol
  11. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Actually, I technically went from outdoor to indoor, not the other way around. Also, I changed the lighting environment one time. From window sill to grow light. I highly doubt one day (actually 18 hours) of improper lighting would straight up kill them. Especially considering that within a...
  12. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Yup lol. Spare bathroom that isn't used. Best place for my temporary set up until the tent comes in. I did exactly what you said and now they are already sprucing back up significantly. Thanks for good advice instead of just berating me haha. Like I said in the original post, I'm completely new...
  13. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    I'm relatively new to growing. Only grew a few times over the years and they were always outdoor photoperiods. However, this time around I tried indoor growing. I had 4 Shiskaberrys germinated and kept them in the window for their first couple weeks, getting about 6 hours of direct sunlight each...