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  1. D

    can handling weed make you test positive?

    he wouldn't have to I've been on government drug testing I went in with 640ppm and 7 months later when I left I had 159ppm still in m system still testing positive. guy told me largest numbers he ever seen.
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    make a job out of this

    I'd love to be a actual farmer I am currently on disability for epilepsy and a few other mental issues. I don't work well with others haven't been able to keep a relationship more than my marriage in 8 years since I had a brain surgery. I feel like being a farmer where I am responsible for only...
  3. D

    Never tried any hydroponics someone help me

    I'm just getting settled here on rollitup but I am going to try to get a few pics this weekend. I joined along time ago but just feel like I am getting to the point I can do more than just read.
  4. D

    Never tried any hydroponics someone help me

    my roots hang for 20 inches and are sprayed 1 min every 20mins so thought that would be aero. and yes the waste of my fish go through 3 ft of pipe and a 1 gal size filter as I mentioned to remove bad bacteria then a 2nd pump sprays roots on a timer so yean aero/aqua due to fact I'm using...
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    Never tried any hydroponics someone help me

    I went from soil to areo/aquaponic set up and I have had almost 0 issues. I think why I am getting away with this so easy is 2 simple things 1. it's aquaponic I have 6 silver shiners in a 10 gal tank just eating they are herbivores so that helps tank is empty no decorations they eat any matter...
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    seal totes

    anyone had a good idea for this. I have tried foam window tape and it falls off after a month of use. I was thinking of using the same foam window tape but also taking a needle and thread to anchor it any ideas? or if you could recommend a glue that will harden when wet haha cause my system is...
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    I would let it ride another week. also I've never grown on coco but my plants I use to grow in soil required daily water and dry spells. it took me months to find that sweet amount of water that was gone b4 next day so that roots could dry and then re apply I found cutting the top off a 20oz...
  8. D

    How to get rid of Aphids When harvesting

    that's a very hard task I recently did a 8 plant harvest with full aphid infest. only thing you can do is use a air hose n blow them off AFTER they die. don't use a vacuum it's no better than smacking it against the wall. even then you are still going to smoke a lot of them. I also have herd...
  9. D


    could be stress from light change. looks like to much water but the scaring around the outside of the leafs signal a insect pest to me. tip over leafs make sure you see nothing under, some pest are same color as leafs so look close. but honestly I think you need to put you finger in soil if it...
  10. D

    Drowning man needs a home

    if you really are broke ..IF you can get away with it. commercial space is cheaper than residential if you need a place asap for a few months. just gotta come up with a lil bit of fake paperwork. around me I see small buildings maybe big enough for a single doctor or small shipping business...
  11. D

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    I been growing 5 years just switched to hydroponic 8 months ago. soil plants cause FAR more waste I have yet to throw away..... anything even my water changes go to out door plants only thing i have left over is plant waste and nasty's inside the setup after it is done that all get's put in my...
  12. D

    laugh at problems

    lol I walk out to my room this morning everything seems fine. I remove one plant to look at water circulation make sure everything working well. my air pump apparently stopped working have 4 and they all have 2 hose outlets on every one only 1 is working even after full dis-assembly. then I see...
  13. D


    I was reading up on it and I live in FL that's only reason I thought it might grow. as for lights at night my area has a lot of robbery and break ins so we are lit up like crazy. I'm about to attempt growing shrooms but I thought I'd try salvia due to new laws and all. don't want to miss out on...
  14. D


    that dish soap will destroy whole crop it's the worst idea ever put on herbal internet. it also killed my plants. I'm not joking that was my first 3 attempts to solve my problems and NEVER helped. like I said onion garlic gone 24 hrs. my dad had a issue outdoors and bam gone in 24 hours so...
  15. D

    Broad mites

    use a garlic/ onion solution I just posted in another thread about it. problem solved.
  16. D


    are there any places left to buy live plants. a lot are sold out due to new laws coming in to effect. then ones that are not look like made in 5 min rip you off sites.
  17. D


    I had issues, I have restarted 8 grows and had a constant bug issue...... 3 years dealing with this shit....... I fixed my problem 1/2 onion 1 garlic minus the skin 1 gal water crush the hell out of it blend it go crazy the more you mix it the better spray it every where at base of plants and on...
  18. D

    light change now new growth

    it was almost done I had 3 weeks left I already had buds size of my hand now looks like a plant 2 weeks in to veg at top
  19. D

    light change now new growth

    it was almost dune I had 3 weeks left I already had buds size of my hand now looks like a plant 2 weeks in to veg at top
  20. D

    light change now new growth

    I upgraded from a 400 to a 600 about 3 weeks away from being done and now I have ALOT of new growth on the top but no new budding just showing female parts confused help?