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  1. Vikky_Chips

    When to harvest??

    Also, I'm worried that I didn't stop adding nutrients in time. I think I only stopped 3 days ago. : /
  2. Vikky_Chips

    When to harvest??

    Hey so I lost track of what week my girls are in for flowering.. Any idea of when to harvest? I'm looking for the optimal range of THC/CBD The images of the flowers are from the main ones at the top. The pistils in the middle and bottom haven't begun to turn brown yet.
  3. Vikky_Chips

    Plants are budding, leaves are yellow

    Thanks all, tbh i'm finding some conflicting info here which is making things a bit confusing (this is my first time growing). I introduced some nitrogen into the mix a couple days ago and will up the flowering nutes to 7mil per litre. The nutrient company advises to switch to the flower AB...
  4. Vikky_Chips

    Plants are budding, leaves are yellow

    yeah the veg has two parts as well.. I'm mixing 15ml per 3.5 litres which is enough to soak all four plants.
  5. Vikky_Chips

    Plants are budding, leaves are yellow

    trip tonic. Bloom B is 0.4-3.3-4.0 Bloom A is 2.4-0-1.9
  6. Vikky_Chips

    Plants are budding, leaves are yellow

    So should i use less flower nutes and more veg nutes?
  7. Vikky_Chips

    Plants are budding, leaves are yellow

    Hi all, My plants started flowering so I switched to my flower nutes. Some of the bigger leaves are getting yellow... Am I using too much fertilizer?
  8. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Beautiful, thank you!
  9. Vikky_Chips

    How should I prune these?

    Hi all, I topped these gals a couple weeks ago, but have left them alone since then. Should I be pruning the lower branches already?
  10. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    How can you tell by the leaves if the nutes are close to max? Is watering with nutes every other day a good way to go? I really appreciate all the help!
  11. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Makes sense! Side note, I was watering with nutes every other watering. Would the rain fall count as a water then? Also wondering if it rains a few hours after I water with nutes, will the nutrients drain away?
  12. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Thanks! I'll try that this eve. The plants were watered yesterday all day by the rain. The day before I had watered them with nutrients.
  13. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    And here's the underside of a leaf.
  14. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Another angle..
  15. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Thanks for all the help so far. Here are some photos of the whole plant. The spotting on the leaves is only happening to some of the bottom leaves, the middle and top are fine. I have 3 other plants of the same age and I feel like all of them aren't growing as vigorously as they used too...
  16. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Thanks. I tested the water/nutes going into the soil and it was at a 6. Not sure what i'm doing wrong..
  17. Vikky_Chips

    Spotting on leaves

    Can anyone identify what this is? Water with nutes are at a pH of 6.
  18. Vikky_Chips

    Adding soil to outdoor plants

    Amazing, thanks! Yeah they're in big white hardware buckets with holes drilled in the sides and bottom.
  19. Vikky_Chips

    Adding soil to outdoor plants

    Hi all! I'm growing plants outdoors in large pots with lots of drainage holes. Should I be topping up the soil after a while because of the drainage?