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  1. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Ordered more beanz and hope they come b4 xmas but I pretty much doubt it with the post the way it is. Bought Nirvana's SuperSkunk and Bubblelicious... Seedsman's BlueBerry and Bombs Berry Bomb... Anyone had any experience with berry bomb? Sounds good with 6-8wk flower time. Have grown...
  2. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    More pics
  3. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Hey guys n gals as promised here's my Jack herer 7 and a half wks into flower. All 3 are turning purple which is probably either a deficiency or due to the cold temps at night but nonetheless interesting. Will be starting to flush tomorrow as there isn't long to go b4 harvest. All 3 Jack's...
  4. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Couple pictures of the clones. The 4 that were in the auto pot n clay pebbles have been moved into homemade Bubblers as the pebbles are affecting the ph. Since the changeover everything has been stable 100% of the time. ppm 550 ph 5.7 Seeing clones regrow after being taken in flower always...
  5. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    couple o wks to go peeps ,, will upload pics tomorrow when lights on..
  6. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Thanx ,, yeah there filling out nicely. Here's a picture jst after lights out.
  7. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Gota couple o pics of the others in the growroom but there not that good due to the light flicker.
  8. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    These clones were taken approximately 10 days into flower which is why there taking there time to 're-grow and are covered in trics.
  9. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Here's my nxt lota Jack's , rooted a few wks ago under small cfl's and a 6ft 80w floro tube. The best I put in the homemade Bubbler instead of the small auto pot . I have 4 in that which will be separated and put in other systems to avoid probz shortly, will veg these for a few wks yet as I...
  10. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    All comments welcome :)
  11. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Jack herer
  12. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Hi guys n gals , thanx for the interest in my journal. It's been a challenge getting to where I'm at due to ph constantly rising to above 7.3 within a matter of hours after resetting it. I've came to the conclusion that it's the clay pebbles bcoz the reservoir nutrient solution doesn't rise at...
  13. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Thanx dirtynerd, yeah there filling out nicely now, hopefully see decent results with these as I will be adding a 600w in the nxt couple o wks to boost them a bit.
  14. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Thanx foothills , this is my first time growing these. Have always wanted to grow jack herer bcoz of the legendary hype so can't wait till harvest time lol.
  15. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    This is where I'm at now so any questions or comments are welcome,,,thanx
  16. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Here are my jacks now at day 14 flower, ec/cf-16 , ph 6.0 All are doing well so far with decent growth in the last few days. Made a mistake with pics at the start of journal , I shudov said they were FIRST day of flower... These pics are day 14
  17. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Not sure m8 was given clones from a friend of a friend , will find out tho.
  18. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Here they are a week later ec/cf -14 , ph 6.0
  19. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    My jack herer 7 days into flower. Wilma 4pot system. 18ltr pots , clay pebbles drip fed IONIC bloom @ ec/cf 10 -12 ph 5.8-6.2 for 15 minutes every 4hrs when lights are on.
  20. 29menace

    Jack Herer
