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  1. L

    no signs week 3 flower

    Seriously? Telling someone 5 minutes of light is gonna prevent them from flowering? That’s a bogus fact.
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    Plants 1 week apart

    Believe it or not, these two plants are only a week apart in age. The larger plant will be a month old in 4 days. The smaller one is suffering from a horrid magnesium deficiency and finally has some new growth showing. In a weeks time it will recover nicely. Once the smaller plants show...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Approaching the one month of veg. This month there have been two incidences of plant pain. Both times it was what looked like “overwatering” or “overfeeding”. Smaller plants are exhibiting a mild magnesium deficiency and growth has been slow this week. I’m tore up the smallest one to see how...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Just a couple pictures. I’ve got one Skywalker OG plant that is so healthy I’m considering allowing it to keep growing to use as clones for the next grow, but I’ll likely just flower it and buy seeds next time like I used to. I did some minor pruning last night to allow light to reach the...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Plants are acting up again. Growing ridiculously fast but yet again showing signs of over feeding. I’m gonna just back off for a week and let them relax. It seems like this strain likes a lot less food than the last I grew. With the 2000w covering a 3x6 area, the plants let me know day by day...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Day 20 Plants have entered a true vegetative state. Growth is fast. It is truly wonderful when the plants are so healthy that training them down requires little effort and the plant stressed none. Plants went from solo cups to 5 gal containers a week ago and thick white roots can already be...
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    Clone vs Seed Stretch

    How much do clones stretch compared to seed plants? I used to grow only from seed and I would usually put them into flowering after I topped the 4th node. I'd end up with plants that were about 3 feet tall. I'm doing my first full clone grow and I'm not sure what to expect and don't want to...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    So...the humidifier I bought decided it wanted to stop working. Humidity went from 65 down to 17 yesterday. I live in a very dry climate. I have a new humidifier arriving tomorrow but I can tell the plants suffered from it. The small clones solo cups dried out because of it, and the larger...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Day 16 Secondary nodes have begun to grow. Quite fast in fact. By the 3rd fan leaf of each node, they all already have 7 blades. One plant looks like it suffered a little bit because of the transplanting. It is droopy and looking like it needs a day between watering for the first week or so. No...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    I don't remember being this impatient before. How quick are these things actually supposed to grow? I don't remember it being this slow of a process. I wonder how these plants "size up" to other plants their same age. I suppose they are growing rather quickly. Plants are now at Day 15...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Started the training last night. I won’t top the plants until the lower branches have grown a bit. In my experience, if I top too soon, the main growth will just transfer to the highest nodes of the plant unless you allow the lower branches to develop some leaves first. I want balanced growth...
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    3, 5, or 7....give me your opinion

    Sorry man I was totally kidding. I’d never grow a plant like that This is my thread....
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    3, 5, or 7....give me your opinion

    This here is indoor done right. Quality. Not quantity. Uniformity. Smooth. Flavor. Complexity. Y'all should all just roll joints with your ditch bud. 8=====================D
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    3, 5, or 7....give me your opinion

    Oooooo Can you show me how to grow those type of plants? They are so tall
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Finished setting up the room today. Built a screen for keeping the plants even as they get bigger in the next few weeks. Still need to finish transplanting.
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Day 13 transplant. Smaller clones on Day 6. Smaller clones now have root systems developed and have started showing signs they are ready to start taking off. The large clones were the same size as the smaller ones a week ago.
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Transplanted some of the kids today. I hydrated the coco bricks in a large 50gal container that I had drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom. I flushed the coco bricks with probably around 100 gallons of hot water. I then added a good amount of perlite. Then I poured 20 gallons phd water ( 5.8...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Also, not sure if I’m the only one who has experienced this using coco and GH flora series, but if I water any less than once a day, the plants Droop, don’t grow as fast, and the leaves are lighter green and not as velvety.
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    Agreed. In the transplant today I’m adding about 40 percent perlite. The roots love it and growth is similar to a straight hydro but still provides a light buffer of coco. I like doing all coco typically in solo cups first so that the medium doesn’t dry quite as quickly. At temps of 73 right...
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    2000w Coco Grow, Skywalker OG/Wookies

    I appreciate the comment. Let me clarify a few things. The yellowing seen was how I got the clones. The clones were in poor condition when I got them unfortunately. After I got them every new leaf has been vibrant and velvety. I provided feedback to the original caregiver of these clones...