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  1. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Thanks man. I was pleasantly surprised to see the pins already starting. It has happened in the past. Two more jars should be ready in the next few days.
  2. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Popped 5 cakes out. Pins already starting inside the jars. It was hell to get a couple of them out to. Anyway they went straight into my preasure cooker full of room temp water. I submerged them with a steamer rack and cup full of water to hold them down. I may be pickin some boomers by this...
  3. redbeard420


    Coke is so much better.
  4. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    A lil purple haze before bowling league last night..epic win for the team lol
  5. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Not from this batch yet. I had an awesome run from the first half of the syringe though. Very nice strong visuals. Lots of liquid rainbow color swirls in the night sky.
  6. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Yeah im not fucking with that biological jar bomb lol
  7. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    This one is ugly. This is next the the jars.
  8. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    The 6 i know are good and healthy. Actually i may have only lost 2 out of 10.
  9. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Lol! Oops
  10. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Previous run. Not my hand lol. Will take fresh pics of current run later.
  11. redbeard420

    Redosing and drinking urine lol?

    Dude be trippin. Wait a minute..what was this thread about?
  12. redbeard420

    Redosing and drinking urine lol?

    Lol no man ive had that gif on my phone for a year. And also ive been my screen name for many years. Never heard of your show. I'm not a kid.
  13. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    That sounds pretty interesting. I am definitely going bulk my next run for sure. I have cut up some cakes that were about dead and dug a shallow hole. I cut them up, dumped in a generous bit of vermilulite, and covered with a thin layer of soil. A week later i had a few massive golden teachers...
  14. redbeard420

    Redosing and drinking urine lol?

    People mislead others by saying cubes are cubes. Major difference between b+ and Cambodians. Btw if i were to eat 5g of my Cambodians i would be trippin balls. You may have gotten an old harvest or they were just grown poorly. 5g of my b+ and i would be a sweaty tweeking mess lol. I love to have...
  15. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    I am right on the same page as you with the grey contam. I separated the good from bad and i am waiting it out. Looks like the myc has spread into the grey and could possibly fight it. I think i will take a healthy chunk of cake and spawn a grain jar or something along those lines. I do love...
  16. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    I'm not certain how much larger honestly. In fact i have never weighed an individual cake flush. If the jar time is truelly cut in half i should give it a try. Maybe less time for contams to develop. Although im stumped about this run. Never had a contaminated jar before. It was bound to happen...
  17. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    Dude these are wide mouth 8 oz. Jelly jars. I like them. I feel i have more surface for pinhead formation than the shorties. I have used a few of the short half pints but the jelly half pints i felt gave me larger flushes. Like i said i have many runs under my belt.
  18. redbeard420

    Cambodians pftek

    The good ones look great.