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  1. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    @Bernie420 ok cool thanks! Can I use both the cup of nite water and the epsom back to back when pouring? So basically pour some nute water then give it some epsom water? I may of been confusing about the root thing that is my mistake most have roots going into the buck just not that particular...
  2. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Back to this though. Should I top feed until I see roots or just periodically? Same goes with the epsom salt and how much would you recommend given my predicament? Thanks again great info!
  3. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Correct. I watched a couple videos as well before I went balls deep putting it together. The last thing I want to do is put myself in the same situation twice. Ha. Thanks.
  4. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Also come to find out one of the buckets, lucky me it had the same plant with all the problems wasn’t draining properly so it was getting blasted with nutes and not draining properly which probably caused some problems and mixed with myself over feeding led to its sicklyness. Live and learn I guess.
  5. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Just went by the instructions given and flushed it for about 30mins or so. So far it’s dropped my ppm from 330ish to 56 so I’d say it’s doing it’s job pretty well. Hah. It’s rdwc I’m not sure if that matters. I chose mc because of the positive reviews not because it was cheap, price wasn’t an...
  6. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Sounds like a plan. Gonna work on that now.
  7. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Honestly I can’t see the roots to say really. They are 10in net pots with Hydroton I can only see a few plants with roots though they are all are white.
  8. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Right on. I’m new, still learning read all I could and went with hydro over soil. If I don’t like it I think I meant go back I only did one grow with soil a few years back and wasn’t a huge fan of it. Thanks though!
  9. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Haven’t phed it at all up or down it’s at 5.9 now. Currently my plan was going to get a few gallons of ro water because I’m still setting up my R.O. System so I have non currently on hand and was going to empty my res to maybe half because as of right now I’m sitting at like 1071ppms and was...
  10. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    The other two look like possibly iron def because my cal being so high it’s locking out everything else?
  11. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Thanks! I think I’m going to do that and also let that one sit on the side lines for a little bit then change my res out with ro and nutes however I’m actually fresh out of megacrop I need to order more.
  12. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Update: Well transplanted the one into its little hospital for now least for the 12hrs suggest and see how she does the other in question hasn’t gotten worse looks to be the same so if something does changes I have everything ready for her if she takes a dive. Had to make a little hat for the...
  13. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Oh I’m not saying there isn’t any issue yet I just didn’t see any I’m sure there is they are FAR from perfect. So outside of what rky said which is a great idea which I was going to do what would you suggest?
  14. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    You lost me. Hah. I’m so sorry. Am I to leave them in for 12hrs then put them back or flush for 12hrs with ph water with my tap at 300ish for a couple days then at add little nutes back or do 50/50 tap and ro or just ro water which I can do easily. I made this complicated did I. Damnit.
  15. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Even if the other plants aren’t showing any signs at all they are all jacked? Not even one brown spot at all or anything else noticeable least to my eyes yet I’m still learning so. I became the typical noob and burn the crap out of my plants but hey least I got that outta the way right so now I...
  16. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Yep makes sense! Does it have to be a new stone as well? I say that because how the pot is set up is when you left the lid the stone comes with it it’s just how it’s wired in so is it mandatory to get one or no? If not I could just simple pick it up airstone and all and put it in a new bucket...
  17. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Oh gotcha! I can take them out yes won’t be easy but it can be done. So basically you’re saying take those two plants throw them in regular tap ph water then completely flush/drain my whole system then fill it back with regular tap water then put my plants that are in the buckets back in then...
  18. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Apologies in advance but what do you mean a 12hr flush? And by plain ph water do you mean ro water? Which would mean I would have to go out and buy 35 gallons on ro water since I don’t have a ro system yet. :(
  19. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    So maybe drop like one or two single drops of ph up to let it drift up words the see what happens maybe?
  20. that1guy1388

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    I have plenty of pH up and down I just thought I was good being in hydro that 5.8 was a good range to be in? if you are suggesting to up my pH then what should be it to help better the situation I'm in? Sorry about all the questions still kinda new and this threw me off when I saw it it...